Brian Greenfield

Dr Greenfield est professeur associé de psychiatrie et de pédiatrie à la Faculté de médecine de l’Université McGill et directeur de l’équipe d’urgence en santé mentale de l’Hôpital de Montréal pour enfants. Ses intérêts de recherche portent sur les déterminants du suicide pédiatrique, avec un intérêt particulier pour le trouble de la personnalité limite, l’irritabilité et les expériences négatives dans l’enfance.
T Viviani and S Ahmadi and B Tran and L Boodaghians and M Weiss and Brian Mishara and F De Castro and Brian Greenfield. (2018). The Interplay of Borderline Personality and Conduct Disorders Among Previously Suicidal Adolescents.
DétailsEric A Latimer and Geneviève Gariépy and Brian Greenfield. (2014). Cost-effectiveness of a rapid response team intervention for suicidal youth presenting at an emergency department. 59: Canadian Journal of Psychiatry = Revue canadienne de psychiatrie: (6) pp. 310-318.
DétailsM S Daigle and L Pouliot and François Chagnon and Brian Greenfield and Brian Mishara. (2011). Suicide attempts: Prevention of repetition. 56: Canadian Journal of Psychiatry = Revue canadienne de psychiatrie: (10) pp. 621-629.
DétailsS Lapalme-Remis and C Tremblay-Jolicoeur and R Amsel and Mélissa Henry and Brian Greenfield. (2011). Effect of research questionnaires on satisfaction with treatment care in suicidal adolescents and their parents. 20: Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry=Journal de lÁcadémie canadienne de psychiatrie de lénfant et de ládolescent: (2) pp. 107-111.
DétailsMélissa Henry and Brian Greenfield. (2009). Therapeutic effects of psychological autopsies. The impact of investigating suicides on interviewees. 30: Crisis: (1) pp. 20-24.
DétailsBrian Greenfield and Mélissa Henry and M Weiss and S M Tse and J M Guile and G Dougherty and X Zhang and E Fombonne and E Lis and S Lapalme-Remis and B Harnden. (2008). Previously suicidal adolescents: predictors of six-month outcome. 17: Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: (4) pp. 197-201.
DétailsBrian Greenfield and C Rousseau and J Slatkoff and M Lewkowski and M Davis and S Dube and M E Lashley and I Morin and P Dray and B Harnden. (2006). Profile of a metropolitan North American immigrant suicidal adolescent population. 51: Canadian Journal of Psychiatry: (3) pp. 155-159.
DétailsJean Marc Guilé and Brian Greenfield and Jean Jacques Breton and David Cohen and Réal Labelle. (2005). Is Psychotherapy Effective for Borderline Adolescents?. 2: Clinical Neuropsychiatry: Journal of Treatment Evaluation: (5) pp. 277-282.
DétailsB Harnden and A B Rosales and Brian Greenfield. (2004). Outpatient art therapy with a suicidal adolescent female. 31: Arts in Psychotherapy: (3) pp. 165-180.
DétailsBrian Greenfield and C Larson and L Hechtman and C Rousseau and R Platt. (2002). A Rapid-Response Outpatient Model for Reducing Hospitalizadon Rates Among Suicidal Adolescents. 53: Psychiatric Services: (12) pp. 1574-1579.
DétailsBrian Greenfield and Lily Hechtman and Claudine Tremblay. (1995). Short-term efficacy of interventions by a youth crisis team. 40: Canadian Journal of Psychiatry: (6) pp. 320-324.
DétailsBrian Greenfield. (1995). Alliance thérapeutique et intervention de crise auprès d´adolescents suicidaires: perspective psychanalytique. 5: PRISME: (4) pp. 424-433.
DétailsThèmes d'intérêt
Sujet 1 : Suicide
Sujet 2 : Enfant
Sujet 3 : Adolescent
Sujet 4 : Santé mentale