Evaluation of the diverting of frequent callers to a single center for management
Description du projet
The plan of this project is to first conduct a study of how calls from frequent callers are currently being handled over the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (NSPL) network in the United States and the effects of existing practices on the callers’ wellbeing and patterns of subsequent repetition of calling. This study will also gather information about the characteristics of frequent callers, their perceived needs, and the beliefs of counsellors concerning how to best be of help to them. After this first research phase, recommendations will be made, based upon the findings, about how to best establish protocols and practice models in order to beeter help frequent callers, when calls are routed to the new specialized service for them.
The plan is: 1) to conduct a systematic review of all published and “grey” literature on the characteristics of frequent callers, and approaches to “manage” their calls and help them; and 2) to monitor calls from the approximately 150 people who call 30 or more times a month during the Winter of 2020, to determine the nature of their calls, the nature of their situation/problems/needs, the nature of the responses they are currently receiving over the phone, the “helpfulness” and effects of different current responses and techniques.
WEBINAIRE (en anglais): https://crise.ca/en/webinaires-en/saison-2020-webinaires-en/best-practices-in-interventions-with-frequent-callers-to-helplines/
Organisme subventionnaire
Vibrant Emotional Health / NSPL
- Axis 2 – Interventions to prevent suicide and alleviate its consequences