Suicidal attempts and ideations among adolescents and young adults: the contribution of the father's care and of parental separation.
Michel Tousignant, M F Bastien, S Hamel.
Parental care was analyzed separately with the PBI for both father and mother or their surrogate to assess its association with suicidal behavior (attempt or serious ideation). The study was conducted on two French-speaking samples from Montreal : the first included 2,327 high school students and the second 701 young adults (18 to 24) reached by phone. Results showed poor care of father to be highly associated with suicidal behavior in the highschool group. Poor care of the mother and parental divorce obtained a lower association. in the second sample, only poor care of the father was significantly associated with suicidal behavior. the conclusion is that more attention should be focused on the father and that perental divorced may have a short-term effect but not a lasting influence when poor care is absent. JEUNE-ADULTE ADOLESCENT IDÉATION TENTATIVE FAMILLE SÉPARATION-AMOUREUSE FACTEUR-RISQUE ÉTAT-CIVIL
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