Implementation Research: Community intervention to prevent suicide attempts in Ningxia, China and Nunavut, Canada

Description du projet

This 5-year (2017-2022) implementation science project will develop methods for adapting the WH0 SUPRE-MISS intervention for suicide attempters in parallel projects in Ningxia, China, and among Inuit in Nunavut, Canada. These methods for adapting SUPRE-MISS will then be promulgated in Inuit and other indigenous populations, other parts of China, other low- and middle-income countries, and other low-resourced settings in high-income countries. METHODS: PHASE 1. Conduct focus groups with local stakeholders to identify local factors that need to be considered when developing a location-specific version of SUPRE-MISS that provides a brief educational intervention about suicide prevention to individuals who have recently made a suicide attempt and periodic social support and access to emergency services to these highrisk individuals. PHASE 2. Pilot-test the adapted intervention in a small number of settings for one year. PHASE 3. Revise and then scale-up the intervention to more settings for 30 months and continuously collect outcome measures, process measures, and resource utilization measures (for cost-effectiveness assessment). PHASE 4. Conduct post-intervention focus groups with stakeholders to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the intervention. Integrate these qualitative results with the quantitative results (e.g., rates of repeated suicidal behavior) to prepare a report on the process of implementing the SUPRE-MISS intervention in low-resource settings. Work with administrators and policy makers in China, Nunavut, and other locations to develop policies that will widely promulgate the use of this approach to suicide prevention.

Organisme subventionnaire


Chercheur principal


  • Axis 2 – Interventions to prevent suicide and alleviate its consequences