A Silent Monitoring Study of Telephone Help Provided over the Hopeline Network and its Short-Term Effects


Brian Mishara, François Chagnon, M Daigle, Bogdan Balan, S Raymond, I Marcoux, Cécile Bardon, J K Campbell.


We report the results of a Silent Monitoring Study of calls received overt the Hopeline telephone entwork run by the Kristin Brooks Hope Center. The network offers toll free telephone help and crisis intervention over the 1-800-SUICIDE number throughout the United States by connecting callers to one of over 140 participating centers. The long-term goal of the study is to improve standards and methods of service delivery to callers in suicidal crises. The short-term goals are to describe the nature of telephone help provided over the Hopeline network in the context of what are considered competent practices. In addition, we sought to assess short-term effects of the telephone help and determine the relationship between different intervention practices and the the outcome of calls for different types of callers. ÉTATS-UNIS PRÉVENTION INTERVENTION-CRISE TÉLÉPHONE ÉVALUATION EFFICACITÉ ÉCOUTE RÉSOLUTION-PROBLÈME ÉTHIQUE EMPATHIE RECHERCHE-AIDE RECOMMANDATION RÉFÉRENCE RESSOURCE COTE-Y

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