Le soutien social suite à un événement critique chez un groupe de cégépiens suicidaires: étude comparative


D Hanigan, M -F Bastien, Michel Tousignant, S Hamel.


Studied the correlation between young adults' suicidal ideations and behaviors and support received from their social environment following a critical life event. 24 Canadian junior-college students who had contemplated or attempted suicide and 24 nonsuicidal controls were interviewed on traumatic event suffered, support received, and satisfaction with the latter. Results show that, except for less family support for Ss, the quality and quantity of reported social support received was roughly equivalent for both Ss and controls. A noticeable difference was found, however, in Ss' and controls' receptivity to such support: Ss were not receptive, for reasons requiring further research. SOUTIEN-SOCIAL SATISFACTION IDÉATION STRESS ÉTUDIANT-COLLÉGIAL FACTEUR-RISQUE TRAUMATISME ADOLESCENT ÉTUDIANT-COLLÉGIAL JEUNE-ADULTE

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