Suicide, violence and culture


Michel Tousignant, Arlène Laliberté.


In this chapter, the authors propose that the national and gender differences in suicide and violence are culturally determined. Marital conflicts and relationship problems with in-laws are common causes for domestic violence and dowry deaths are sometimes passed off as suicide or accidental deaths. Embedded within these acts are the gender role and gender-role expectations. Using examples from aboriginal groups for rates of suicide and in Quebec, the authors suggest that drug or alcohol problems, along with problems in attachments and problems in relationships and breakdown of relathionships, produce inordinate pressure on individuals, which is used as a trigger for seeking a way out. The sociocultural model these authors put forward is important in understanding vulnerability factors, which are more likely to be specific for specific groups. QUÉBEC CANADA INDE CHINE ASIE GENRE HOMME FEMME AUTOCHTONE SUICIDE-COMPLÉTÉ VIOLENCE CULTURE RÔLE-SEXUEL ABUS-SUBSTANCE DROGUE ALCOOL RELATION-INTERPERSONNELLE VULNÉRABILITÉ COMPORTEMENT-AUTODESTRUCTEUR COMMUNAUTÉ AUTOPSIE-PSYCHOLOGIQUE STATUT-SOCIAL DYNAMIQUE-FAMILIALE VIOLENCE-CONJUGALE CHÔMAGE PAUVRETÉ IMMOLATION REJET SÉPARATION-AMOUREUSE SOCIOLOGIE

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