Brian Mishara

Photo Brian Mishara PhD directeur du CRISE
Fondateur et Directeur du CRISE, professeur

Fondateur du Centre de recherche et d’intervention sur le suicide et l’euthanasie (CRISE), renommé suite à l’adoption de la loi québécoise sur l’aide médicale à mourir, Brian Mishara a oeuvré comme directeur du CRISE depuis 1996. Il est professeur au département de psychologie de l’Université du Québec à Montréal depuis 1979. Chercheur de renommée internationale dans le domaine de la suicidologie, Brian Mishara a écrit plusieurs livres notamment sur les problématiques du vieillissement, de la consommation de médicaments ainsi que sur le suicide et l’euthanasie. Brian Mishara est un des co-fondateurs de l’Association québécoise de suicidologie (devenue depuis l’Association québécoise de prévention du suicide), fut président de l’Association canadienne pour la prévention du suicide de même que Président de l’Association internationale pour la prévention du suicide (IASP) de 2005 à 2009.

Laurent Corthésy-Blondin and Brian Mishara and Cécile Bardon. (2024). Enquête sur la prévention du suicide chez les techniciens ambulanciers et paramédics au Québec. pp. 12.


Alaa Nfissi and Wassim. Bouachir and N. Bougila and Brian Mishara. (2024). Unlocking the emotional states of high-risk suicide callers through speech analysis. pp. 33–40.


Stefan Stijelja and Brian Mishara. (2022). Preventing suicidal and self-Injurious behavior in correctional facilities: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis. 51: pp. 101560.


Louis-Philippe Côté and Brian Mishara. (2022). Effect of helping suicidal people using text messaging: An evaluation of effects and best practices of the Canadian suicide prevention Service's text helpline. 52: (6) pp. 1140-1148.


A. Plaisance and Brian Mishara and J. Masella and G. Bravo and V. Couture and D. Tapp. (2022). Quebec population highly supportive of extending Medical Aid in Dying to incapacitated persons and people suffering only from a mental illness: Content analysis of attitudes and representations. 21: Ethics, Medicine and Public Health: pp. 100759.


Pascale Lévesque and Brian Mishara and Paul-André Perron. (2021). Le suicide au Québec : 1981 à 2018 — Mise à jour 2021. pp. iii, 46 p..


Brian Mishara and Louis-Francis Fortin. (2021). Long-term effects of a comprehensive police suicide prevention program: 22-year follow-up. Crisis:


Brian Mishara . (2021). Mémoire soumis dans le cadre des consultations particulières et auditions publiques sur l’évolution de la Loi concernant les soins de fin de vie. pp. 9.


Brian Mishara and David N Weisstub. (2021). Genetic testing for suicide risk assessment: Theoretical premises, research challenges and ethical concerns. Preventive Medicine:


Ophély Dorol-Beauroy-Eustache and Brian Mishara. (2021). Systematic review of risk and protective factors for suicidal and self-harm behaviors among children and adolescents involved with cyberbullying. 152: Preventive Medicine: (1) pp. 106684.


Brian Mishara and Sarah Dufour. (2020). Randomized Control Study of the Implementation and Effects of a New Mental Health Promotion Program to Improve Coping Skills in 9 to 11 Year Old Children: Passport: Skills for Life. 11: Frontiers in Psychology: (2927)


Brian Mishara and Stefan Stijelja. (2020). Trends in US suicide deaths-Reply. 174: (11) pp. 1118-1119.


Brian Mishara and Stefan Stijelja. (2020). Trends in US suicide deaths, 1999 to 2017, in the context of suicide prevention legislation. 174: (5) pp. 499-500.


Stefan Stijelja and Brian Mishara. (2020). COVID-19 and psychological distress-changes in internet searches for mental health issues in New York during the pandemic. 180: (12) pp. 1703-1706.


Brian Mishara and Georgia Vrakas and Groupe consultatif d’experts sur l’ AMM. (2020). Le Canada à la croisée des chemins : Recommandations concernant l'aide médicale à mourir pour les personnes ayant un trouble mental. Une critique fondée sur les données probantes du rapport du Groupe d'Halifax pour l'IRPP. pp. 39.


Brian Mishara and Luc Dargis. (2019). Systematic comparison of recommendations for safe messaging about suicide in public communications. 244: pp. 124-154.


Brian Mishara and David N Weisstub. (2018). Is suicide prevention an absolute? Considerations when medical assistance in dying is an option. 39: Crisis: (5) pp. 313-317.


Laurent Corthésy-Blondin and Léa Plourde-Léveillé and Louis-Philippe Côté and Luc Dargis and Brian Mishara and Carl-Maria Mörch. (2018). Analyse de contenu des publications liées aux Darknets sur un forum pro-suicide.


Louis-Philippe Côté and Brian Mishara. (2018). The Challenges of Detecting Suicidal Callers in Text-Based Youth Helplines.


T Viviani and S Ahmadi and B Tran and L Boodaghians and M Weiss and Brian Mishara and F De Castro and Brian Greenfield. (2018). The Interplay of Borderline Personality and Conduct Disorders Among Previously Suicidal Adolescents.


Cécile Bardon and Xénia Halmov and Brian Mishara and Diane Morin and Daphné Morin and Anne-Marie Ouimet and Julie Mérineau-Côté and Jonathan Weiss. (2017). Repérage des personnes à risque de comportements suicidaires par les psychoéducateurs oeuvrant auprès de clientèles présentant un trouble du spectre de láutisme. Pratiques psychoéducatives innovantes auprès des personnes ayant un trouble du spectre de láutisme - De lénfance à l'âge adulte. pp. 183-197.


G Z Rukundo and Brian Mishara and E Kinyanda. (2016). Burden of suicidal ideation and attempt among persons living with HIV and AIDS in semiurban Uganda. 2016: AIDS Research and Treatment: pp. 3015468.


Brian Mishara and David N Weisstub. (2016). The legal status of suicide: A global review. 44: International Journal of Law and Psychiatry: pp. 54-74.


Brian Mishara and Marc Daigle and Cécile Bardon and François Chagnon and Bogdan Balan and Sylvaine Raymond and Julie Campbell. (2016). Comparison of the effects of telephone suicide prevention help by volunteers and professional paid staff: Results from studies in the USA and Quebec, Canada. 46: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (5) pp. 577-587.


Brian Mishara and François Chagnon. (2016). Why Mental Illness is a Risk Factor for Suicide. The International Handbook of Suicide Prevention: pp. 594-608.


Cécile Bardon and Louis-Philippe Côté and Brian Mishara. (2016). Cluster analysis of characteristics of persons who died by suicide in the Montreal Metro transit: Analysis of variations over time. 37: Crisis: (5) pp. 377-384.


Brian Mishara and David N Weisstub. (2015). Legalization of euthanasia in Quebec, Canada as “medical aid in dying”: A case study in social marketing, changing mores and legal maneuvering. 1: Ethics, Medicine and Public Health: pp. 450-455.


Cécile Bardon and Brian Mishara. (2015). Systematic review of the impact of suicides and other critical incidents on railway personnel. 45: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (6) pp. 720-731.


Marie Alderson and Xavier Parent-Rocheleau and Brian Mishara. (2015). Critical review on suicide among nurses: What about work-related factors?. 36: Crisis: (2) pp. 91-101.


Sami Richa and Mario Fahed and Elias Khoury and Brian Mishara. (2014). Suicide in autism spectrum disorders. 18: Archives of Suicide Research: (4) pp. 327-339.


A J F M Kerkhof and Brian Mishara. (2013). Promising practices, future prospects and research agenda. Suicide Prevention and New Technologies: Evidence Based Practice. pp. 181-194.


Brian Mishara and David N Weisstub. (2013). Premises and evidence in the rhetoric of assisted suicide and euthanasia. 36: International Journal of Law and Psychiatry: (5-6) pp. 427-435.


Brian Mishara and David N Weisstub. (2013). Challenges in the control and regulation of suicide promotion and assistance over the Internet. Suicide Prevention and New Technologies: Evidence Based Practice. pp. 63-75.


Brian Mishara and A J F M Kerkhof. (2013). Suicide Prevention and New Technologies: Evidence Based Practice.


Brian Mishara and X Halmov and Cécile Bardon. (2013). Suicide: Famille protectrice ou fragilisante?. [xx]: Santé mentale: (182) pp. 20-25.


Brian Mishara and Louis-Philippe Côté. (2013). Current practices, theoretical models and latest findings in research on the effectiveness of online suicide prevention.


Brian Mishara and Louis-Philippe Côté. (2013). Suicide prevention and new technologies: Towards evidence based practice. Suicide Prevention and New Technologies: Evidence Based Practice. pp. 1-23.


Brian Mishara and Cécile Bardon. (2013). Railway Suicides in Canada and Around the World: Agendas for Prevention and Research. pp. 9 p..


Brian Mishara and Cécile Bardon. (2013). Risk factors for railway suicide and countermeasures to reduce the prevalence of railway suicides.


Brian Mishara. (2013). Befrienders Worldwide: Volunteer action to prevent suicide worldwide.


Cécile Bardon and Brian Mishara. (2013). Prevention of the negative impact on railway crew after involvement in a rail fatality.


L Pouliot and Brian Mishara. (2013). Cognitive and emotional responses to suicide portrayals in movies: Evaluation and extension of the modeling hypothesis.


M Plöderl and G Schiepek and Brian Mishara and C Fartacek and K Kralovec and E -M Pichler and R D Goldney. (2013). Nonlinear dynamics in suicidology: First steps to an early warning system.


Brian Mishara and N Martin. (2012). Effects of a comprehensive police suicide prevention program. 33: Crisis: (3) pp. 162-168.


Brian Mishara. (2012). How best to help suicidal persons over the telephone and Internet. Crisis Intervention and Counseling by Telephone and the Internet: Third Edition. pp. 74-83.


G Encrenaz and V Kovess-Masfety and F Gilbert and C Galera and E Lagarde and Brian Mishara and A Messiah. (2012). Lifetime risk of suicidal behaviors and communication to a health professional about suicidal ideation. 33: Crisis: (3) pp. 127-136.


Cécile Bardon and Brian Mishara. (2012). Reducing the Impact of Railway Fatalities on Crew Members. pp. 11 p..


M S Daigle and L Pouliot and François Chagnon and Brian Greenfield and Brian Mishara. (2011). Suicide attempts: Prevention of repetition. 56: Canadian Journal of Psychiatry = Revue canadienne de psychiatrie: (10) pp. 621-629.


Brian Mishara and François Chagnon. (2011). Understanding the relationship between mental illness and suicide and the implications for suicide prevention. International Handbook of Suicide Prevention: Research, Policy and Practice. pp. 609-623.


L Pouliot and Brian Mishara and R Labelle. (2011). The Werther effect reconsidered in light of psychological vulnerabilities: Results of a pilot study. 134: Journal of Affective Disorders: (1-3) pp. 488-496.


H Chen and Brian Mishara and X X Liu. (2010). A pilot study of mobile telephone message interventions with suicide attempters in China. 31: Crisis: (2) pp. 109-112.


Brian Mishara and David N Weisstub. (2010). Resolving ethical dilemmas in suicide prevention: the case of telephone helpline rescue policies. 40: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (2) pp. 159-169.


Brian Mishara. (2010). Mémoire présenté à la Commission de la santé et des services sociaux dans le cadre des consultations particulières et auditions publiques en vue d'étudier la question du droit de mourir dans la dignité.


Brian Mishara. (2009). Les pratiques de soutien à proposer: Leçons du passé et perspectives d’avenir.


Janie Houle and Brian Mishara and François Chagnon. (2008). An empirical test of a mediation model of the impact of the traditional male gender role on suicidal behavior in men. 107: Journal of Affective Disorders: (1-3) pp. 37-43.


Brian Mishara and Janie Houle. (2008). Le rôle des proches dans la prévention du suicide. 47: Perspectives Psy: (4) pp. 1-7.


Brian Mishara. (2008). Reconciling clinical experience with evidence-based knowledge in suicide prevention policy and practice. 29: Crisis: (1) pp. 1-3.


François Chagnon and Janie Houle and M Daigle and Brian Mishara and Cécile Bardon. (2008). Application des connaissances scientifiques en prévention du suicide. Vérification d'une stratégie fondée sur la communauté de pratique. 21: Frontières: (1) pp. 90-97.


A L Beautrais and Brian Mishara. (2008). World Suicide Prevention Day: "Think Globally, Plan Nationally, Act Locally.". 29: Crisis: (2) pp. 59-63.


A Beautrais and Brian Mishara. (2007). World Suicide Prevention Day--September 10, 2007: "suicide prevention across the life span". 28: Crisis: (2) pp. 57-60.


Brian Mishara and David N Weisstub. (2007). Ethical, legal, and practical issues in the control and regulation of suicide promotion and assistance over the Internet. 37: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (1) pp. 58-65.


Brian Mishara and François Chagnon and M Daigle and Bogdan Balan and S Raymond and I Marcoux and Cécile Bardon and J K Campbell and A L Berman. (2007). Which helper behaviors and intervention styles are related to better short-term outcomes in telephone crisis intervention? Results from a silent monitoring study of calls to the UṠ. 1-800-SUICIDE network. 37: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (3) pp. 308-321.


Brian Mishara and François Chagnon and M Daigle and Bogdan Balan and S Raymond and I Marcoux and Cécile Bardon and J K Campbell and A L Berman. (2007). Comparing models of helper behavior to actual practice in telephone crisis intervention: a silent monitoring study of calls to the UṠ. 1-800-SUICIDE network. 37: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (3) pp. 291-307.


Brian Mishara. (2007). Railway and metro suicides: Understanding the problem and prevention potential. 28: Crisis: (S1) pp. 36-43.


Brian Mishara. (2007). Les enjeux liés à la légalisation de léuthanasie et du suicide assisté au Canada. 27: Frontières: (1) pp. 47-51.


Brian Mishara. (2007). Railway and metro suicides: understanding the problem and prevention portential. 28: Crisis: (Suppl.1) pp. 36-43.


Brian Mishara. (2007). Prevention of deaths from intentional pesticide poisoning. 28: Crisis: (Suppl.1) pp. 10-20.


Janie Houle and Brian Mishara and François Chagnon. (2007). An empirical test of a mediation model of the impact of the traditional male gender role on suicidal behavior in men. 107: Journal of Affective Disorders: (1-3) pp. 37-43.


I Marcoux and Brian Mishara and C Durand. (2007). Confusion between euthanasia and other end-of-life decision: Influences on public opionion poll results. 98: Canadian Journal of Public Health: (3) pp. 235-239.


Brian Mishara. (2006). Léuthanasie et le suicide assisté: Un choix individuel ou collectif. pp. 10 p..


François Chagnon and Brian Mishara. (2006). Concertation entre recherche et pratique en prévention du suicide : Trois exemples québécois. Acteurs et chercheurs en suicidologie. pp. 136-148.


O Monkeviciené and Brian Mishara and S Dufour. (2006). Effects of the Zippy's Friends programme on children's coping abilities during the transition from kindergarten to elementary school. 34: Early Childhood Education Journal: (1) pp. 53-60.


Brian Mishara and M Ystgaard. (2006). Effectiveness of a mental health promotion program to improve coping skills in young children: Zippy's Friends. 21: Early Childhood Research Quarterly: (1) pp. 110-123.


Brian Mishara. (2006). Report on the 2nd International Workshop on Secure Access to Pesticides Conducted in Conjunction with the International Association for Suicide Prevenition Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Suicide Prevention, Singapore, 9 March 2006 (sponsored by Singenta Crop Protection). pp. 6 p..


Brian Mishara. (2006). Le développement des conceptions de la mort et du suicide chez les enfants et línfluence des médias. 15: Vis-À-Vie: (1) pp. 7-9.


Brian Mishara. (2006). Cultural specificity and universality of suicide: Challenges for the International Association for Suicide Prevention. 27: Crisis: (1) pp. 1-3.


Michel Tousignant and Brian Mishara and A Caillaud and V Fortin and Danielle St-Laurent. (2005). The impact of media coverage of the suicide of a well-known Quebec reporter: The case of Gaëtan Girouard. 60: Social Science and Medicine: (9) pp. 1919-1926.


Brian Mishara and David N Weisstub. (2005). Ethical and legal issues in suicide research. 28: International Journal of Law and Psychiatry: (1) pp. 23-41.


Brian Mishara and S Raymond and F Roy. (2005). Étude sur le phénomène du suicide à Urgence Santé et recommandations pour un plan dáction. pp. 93.


Brian Mishara and Janie Houle and B Lavoie. (2005). Comparison of the effects of four suicide prevention programs for family and friends of high-risk suicidal men who do not seek help themselves. 35: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (3) pp. 329-342.


Brian Mishara and François Chagnon and M Daigle and Bogdan Balan and S Raymond and I Marcoux and Cécile Bardon and J K Campbell and A Berman. (2005). L'écoute téléphonique aide-t-elle les personnes suicidaires? Résumé d'une recherche sur le processus et les effets des interventions effectuées par des centres d'écoute. Prévention du suicide. pp. 37-48.


Brian Mishara. (2005). Report on the International Workshop on Secure Access to Pesticides in Conjunction with the Annual Congress of the International Associationn for Suicide Prevention, Durban, South Africa, Monday, September 12, 2005 (sponsored by Singenta Crop Protection). pp. 26 p..


Janie Houle and Brian Mishara and François Chagnon. (2005). Le soutien social peut-il protéger les hommes de la tentative de suicide?. 30: Sante Mentale au Quebec: (2) pp. 61-84.


C Bale and Brian Mishara. (2004). Developing an international mental health promotion programme for young children. 6: International Journal of Mental Health Promotion: (2) pp. 12-16.


François Chagnon and Brian Mishara. (2004). Lávenir de l'évaluation de programmes en prévention du suicide. Évaluation de programmes en prévention du suicide. pp. 167-173.


François Chagnon and Brian Mishara. (2004). Évaluation de programmes en prévention du suicide.


Brian Mishara and Michel Tousignant. (2004). Débats contemporains. Comprendre le suicide. pp. 104-121.


Brian Mishara and Michel Tousignant. (2004). La prévention du suicide. Comprendre le suicide. pp. 122-134.


Brian Mishara and Michel Tousignant. (2004). L'éthique du suicide et la question de léuthanasie. Comprendre le suicide. pp. 135-146.


Brian Mishara and Michel Tousignant. (2004). Perdre un proche par le suicide. Comprendre le suicide. pp. 147-156.


Brian Mishara and Michel Tousignant. (2004). Conclusions. Comprendre le suicide. pp. 157-162.


Brian Mishara and Michel Tousignant. (2004). Quést-ce que le suicide ?. Comprendre le suicide. pp. 31-42.


Brian Mishara and Michel Tousignant. (2004). Le suicide : Un problème mondial. Comprendre le suicide. pp. 43-54.


Brian Mishara and Michel Tousignant. (2004). Caractéristiques personnelles associées au suicide. Comprendre le suicide. pp. 55-78.


Brian Mishara and Michel Tousignant. (2004). Le suicide aux diverses étapes de la vie. Comprendre le suicide. pp. 79-94.


Brian Mishara and Michel Tousignant. (2004). Groupes à risque et enjeux contemporains. Comprendre le suicide. pp. 95-103.


Brian Mishara and Michel Tousignant. (2004). Le suicide: Les façons de le comprendre hier et aujourd'hui.. Comprendre le suicide. pp. 5-30.


Brian Mishara and Michel Tousignant. (2004). Comprendre le suicide.


Brian Mishara and François Chagnon and S Raymond and M Benny. (2004). Concertation entre décideurs et chercheurs pour le transfert des connaissances sur le suicide.


Brian Mishara and François Chagnon and M Daigle and Bogdan Balan and S Raymond and I Marcoux and Cécile Bardon and J K Campbell. (2004). A Silent Monitoring Study of Telephone Help Provided over the Hopeline Network and its Short-Term Effects. pp. 199 p..


Brian Mishara. (2004). Des pratiques novatrices pour la prévention du suicide au Québec : Un défi de société. Le développement social au rythme de línnovation. pp. 139-154.


Brian Mishara. (2004). Les questions éthiques et l'évaluation de programmes en suicidologie. Évaluation de programmes en prévention du suicide. pp. 83-94.


L Deschênes and G Asselin and François Chagnon and Y DÁmours and J -F Dorval and J Ferland and B Lavoie and G Légaré and L Lévesque and C Marquette and G Mercier and Brian Mishara and S Morin and S Proulx and M Séguin and R Simon. (2003). "Séntraider pour la vie" : Plan dáction 2003-2008 : Document de travail.


S Raymond and Brian Mishara and D Routhier and L Charbonneau. (2003). Nouveau programme de prévention du suicide chez les jeunes : Résultats d'une évaluation. 24: Revue Québécoise de Psychologie: (1) pp. 255-271.


M Pozo and Brian Mishara and A Second-Pozo. (2003). Les médicaments dans le suicide. 16: Frontières: (1) pp. 37-43.


Brian Mishara and Janie Houle. (2003). Évaluation des projets-pilotes dáide aux hommes suicidaires par líntermédiaire de leurs proches : Rapport final. pp. 53 p..


Brian Mishara. (2003). Listening for direction on injury.


Brian Mishara. (2003). Firearms. Macmillan Encyclopedia of Death and Dying. (Vol. I) pp. 288-289.


Brian Mishara. (2003). Euthanasia. Macmillan Encyclopedia of Death and Dying. (Vol. I) pp. 267-273.


Brian Mishara. (2003). Autopsy, Psychological. Macmillan Encyclopedia of Death and Dying. (Vol. I) pp. 51-52.


Brian Mishara. (2003). Des pratiques novatrices pour la prévention du suicide au Québec: Un défi de société. XXVIII: Sante Mentale au Quebec: (1) pp. 111-125.


Brian Mishara. (2003). Succès, échecs et défis en prévention du suicide au Québec. 24: Revue Québécoise de Psychologie: (1) pp. 125-134.


Brian Mishara. (2003). How the media influences children's conceptions of suicide. 24: Crisis: (3) pp. 128-130.


Brian Mishara. (2003). Suicide. Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood: In History and Society. Vol. 3: pp. 796-798.


Brian Mishara and François Chagnon. (2002). Comment évaluer les actions de prévention du suicide?. pp. 219-222.


Brian Mishara. (2002). Pourquoi le suicide? Le rôle des conceptions sociales dans les comportements suicidaires. pp. 27-28.


Brian Mishara. (2001). Le rôle de léntourage dans la prévention du suicide. La crise suicidaire: Reconnaître et prendre en charge. pp. 329-334.


S Raymond and D Routhier and Brian Mishara and Georgia Vrakas and M Leblanc and L Charbonneau. (2001). Rapport d'évaluation du projet pilote Agir ensemble pour prévenir le suicide chez les jeunes. pp. 87 p..


Brian Mishara and M Ystgaard. (2001). Evaluation of the Revised Reaching Young Europe Programme in Denmark and Lithuania.


S Raymond and M Leblanc and Brian Mishara. (2000). Agir ensemble pour prévenir le suicide chez les jeunes.


I Marcoux and S Raymond and Brian Mishara. (2000). Évaluation des compétences suite à une formation en suicidologie.


Brian Mishara and M Ystgaard. (2000). Exploring the potential for primary prevention. 21: Crisis: (1) pp. 4-5, 7.


Brian Mishara and M Daigle. (2000). Helplines and crisis intervention services: Challenges for the future. Suicide Prevention: Resources for the Millennium. pp. 153-171.


Brian Mishara. (2000). Le suicide au cinéma. 10: Vis à Vie: (1) pp. 9-10.


Brian Mishara. (1999). Conceptions of death and suicide in children ages 6-12 and their implications for suicide prevention. 29: Suicide and Life Threatening Behavior: (2) pp. 105-118.


Brian Mishara. (1999). Dímportantes implications.. 9: Vis à Vie: (3) pp. 12-13.


Brian Mishara. (1999). Suicide in the Montreal subway system: Characteristics of the victims, antecedents, and implications for prevention.. 44: Canadian Journal of Psychiatry: (7) pp. 690-696.


Brian Mishara. (1999). Synthesis of research and evidence on factors affecting the desire of terminally ill or seriously chronically ill persons to hasten death. 39: Omega: (1) pp. 1-70.


Brian Mishara. (1999). Le suicide et les aînés au Québec. 12: Frontières: (1) pp. 33-38.


Brian Mishara. (1998). Résumé des résultats préliminaires d'une évaluation des effets du programme de prévention primaire auprès des jeunes, "Plein le dos".. pp. 351-353.


G Fournier and S Lussier and G A Lepage and Brian Mishara and L Charbonneau. (1998). Le suicide dans nos téléromans.. pp. 13-27.


Brian Mishara. (1998). Les relations possible entre les maladies mentales et les comportements suicidaires..


Brian Mishara. (1998). Résultats préliminaires d'une évaluation des effets du programme de prévention primaire auprès des jeunes "Plein le dos"..


Brian Mishara. (1998). Le suicide chez les jeunes québécois. Où en sommes-nous vraiment?. 5: Recherche sociale: (2) pp. Supplément.


Brian Mishara. (1998). Suicide, euthanasia and AIDS: Research findings and issues. pp. 1-19.


Brian Mishara. (1998). Childhood conceptions of death and suicide: Empirical investigations and implications for suicide prevention. Suicide Prevention: A Holistic Approach. pp. 111-119.


Brian Mishara. (1998). The right to die and the right to live: perspective on euthanasia and assisted suicide. Suicide in Canada. pp. 441-458.


Brian Mishara. (1998). Suicide, euthanasia and AIDS. 19: Crisis: (2) pp. 87-96.


Ronald J Dyck and Brian Mishara and Jennifer White. (1998). Le suicide chez les enfants, les adolescents et les personnes âgées: constatations clés et mesures préconisées. Forum National sur la Santé: Les déterminants de la santé vol.3: Le cadre et les enjeux. 5 vol.: pp. 323-390.


Brian Mishara and M Daigle. (1997). Effects of different telephone intervention styles with suicidal callers at two suicide prevention centers: An empirical investigation. 25: American Journal of Community Psychology: (6) pp. 861-885.


Brian Mishara. (1997). Suicide and the media.


Brian Mishara. (1997). Les aînés suicidaires: un défi pour la société et les intervenants. 11: Bulletin Trimestriel de lÁssociation Internationale Francophone des Aînés: (2) pp. 5-8.


Robert Choinière and Danielle Dorval and William Pickett and Brian Mishara. (1997). Les suicides et les tentatives de suicide. Pour la sécurité des jeunes canadiens: des données statistiques aux mesures préventives. pp. 285-295.


Brian Mishara. (1997). Children and suicide. Befriending Worldwide: pp. 4-6.


Brian Mishara. (1996). Le suicide et les enfants au primaire, ils en savent plus quón peut le croire.. pp. 291-299.


Brian Mishara. (1996). A dynamic developmental model of suicide. 39: Human Development: pp. 181-194.


Brian Mishara. (1996). Les tentatives de suicide, lídéation suicidaire et les expériences de suicide des étudiants de l'UQAM: résultats d'un sondage en 1995-1996. pp. 1-9.


Hohn Maltsberger and Margareth P Battin and Silvia Sara Canetto and Patrick O'Carrol and David Clark and Yeates Conwell and Brian Mishara and Charles Rubey and Edwin Shneidman. (1996). Report of the Committe on Physician-Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia. 26: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (Supplement)


Brian Mishara and M Daigle. (1995). Étude du processus et des effets des interventions téléphoniques dans deux centres de prévention du suicide.. pp. 171 pages.


Brian Mishara. (1995). The Impact of Suicide.


Brian Mishara. (1995). How family and friends react to suicide threats. The impact of suicide. pp. 73-81.


Brian Mishara. (1995). Critical comparisions of morally based and empirically verifiable arguments for and against euthanasia and assisted suicide..


Brian Mishara. (1995). Mémoire pour le comité des affaires légales et constitutionnelles du Sénat à propos du projet de loi C-68- loi sur le contrôle des armes à feu.. pp. 7 pages.


M Daigle and Brian Mishara. (1995). Intervention styles with suicidal callers at two suicide prevention centers. 25: Suicide and Life Threatening Behavior: (2) pp. 261-275.


Brian Mishara. (1995). Débats sur léuthanasie active: Croyances et réalités. Frontières: pp. 20-24.


Brian Mishara. (1995). Conceptions de la mort et du suicide chez lénfant: recherches empiriques et implications pour la prévention du suicide. 5: P.R.I.S.M.E.: (4) pp. 499-509.


Brian Mishara. (1995). How family and friends react to suicide treats. The impact of suicide. pp. 73-81.


Brian Mishara. (1995). Beyond suicide: The impact on family and friends, helpers, individuals, and society. The impact of suicide. pp. 1-4.


William McKim and Brian Mishara and M Eliany. (1995). Aging and the use of alcohol and other drugs: Survey guidelines and selected findings.. pp. 248 p..


P Caris and Brian Mishara. (1994). Lávenir des ainés au Québec après l'An 2000 : Vers un nouvel équilibre des âges : Journées d'échange sur le Rapport Pelletier.


Brian Mishara and G Giroux. (1993). The relationship between coping strategies and perceived stress in telephone intervention volunteers at a suicide prevention center. 23: Suicide and Life Threatening Behavior: (3) pp. 221-229.


Claude L Normand and Brian Mishara. (1992). The development of the concept of suicide in children. 25: Omega: Journal of Death and Dying: (3) pp. 183-203.


Brian Mishara and M Daigle. (1992). Léfficacité des interventions téléphoniques dans les centres de prévention du suicide. 40: Santé Mentale au Canada: (3) pp. 26-32.


Brian Mishara and M Daigle. (1992). The effectiveness of telephone interventions by suicide prevention centres.. 40: Canada's Mental Health: (3) pp. 24-29.


Brian Mishara. (1991). Le suicide et les aîné-e-s. Santé mentale et vieillissement.


Brian Mishara and William A McKim. (1989). Drogues et vieillissement.


Brian Mishara. (1989). Suicide et personnes âgées. pp. 335-345.


Brian Mishara. (1987). Training Manual or almost everything you wanted to know about becoming a telephone volunteer at SAM but were afraid to ask. pp. 1-10.


Brian Mishara and P Veilleux and R Marier. (1985). Third party callers to suicide prevention centers.


Brian Mishara. (1985). La prévention primaire du suicide. pp. 55-65.


Brian Mishara. (1985). Évaluation des activités dínterventions téléphoniques en prévention du suicide.


Brian Mishara and Robert G Riedel. (1984). Le vieillissement.


Brian Mishara. (1984). Rapport du président de Suicide-Action Montréal. pp. 1-5.


Brian Mishara. (1984). Vers une nouvelle prévention du suicide. pp. 1-15.


Brian Mishara and Michel Tousignant. (1983). Pour une véritable prévention primaire du suicide. 4: Revue Québécoise de Psychologie: (1) pp. 21-31.


Brian Mishara. (1983). Propositions soumises à la table de concertation sur la prévention du suicide à Montréal par Brian Mishara. pp. 1-2.


Brian Mishara. (1982). College students' experiences with suicide and reactions to suicidal verbalizations: A model for prevention. 10: Journal of Community Psychology: (2) pp. 142-150.


Michel Tousignant and Brian Mishara. (1981). Suicide and culture: A review of the literature (1969-1980). 18: Transcultural Psychiatric Research Review: pp. 5-31.


Harvey A Baker and Brian Mishara and Laurence Parker and Irene W Kostin. (1978). When "reliability" fails, must a measure be discarded? The case of kinesthetic aftereffect.. 12: Journal of Research in Personality: (3) pp. 262-273.


Brian Mishara and Harvey A Baker. (1978). Kinesthetic aftereffect scores are reliable.. 2: Applied Psychological Measurement: (2) pp. 239-247.


Harvey A Baker and Brian Mishara and Irene W Kostin and Lawrence Parker. (1976). Kinesthetic aftereffect and personality: A case study of issues involved in construct validation.. 34: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: (1) pp. 1-13.


Brian Mishara and R J Kastenbaum. (1973). Self-injurious behavior and environmental change in the institutionalized elderly.. 4: Aging and Human Development: (2) pp. 133-145.


R J Kastenbaum and Brian Mishara. (1971). Premature death and self-injurious behavior in old age. 26: Geriatrics: (7) pp. 71-81.


Brian Mishara. (0000). Research Project: Evaluation of the telephone interventions at Suicide Action Montreal. pp. 1-20.


Thèmes d'intérêt

Sujet 1 : Suicide


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Montréal (QC), H3C 3P8

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