Psychache predicts suicide attempter status change in students starting university
Christine E Lambert, Talia Troister, Zeinab Ramadan, Vanessa Montemarano, Cynthia G Fekken, Ronald R Holden.
Objectives Unlike many investigations that focus on suicide ideation rather than suicidal behavior, the present research evaluates the merit and relative efficacy of psychache (i.e., unbearable mental pain) for predicting self-reported suicide attempts among university students who are starting university. Method A sample of 516 elevated-risk undergraduates was assessed during the first three weeks of starting university and, again, 10 weeks later. Results Psychache and depression, but not hopelessness, could predict change in suicide attempter status. When measures of psychache, depression, and hopelessness were considered simultaneously, only psychache provided significant, unique predictive power. Conclusions Findings are interpreted as supporting Shneidman's model whereby psychache is seen as the cause of suicide. ONTARIO CANADA IDÉATION TENTATIVE ÉTUDIANT-UNIVERSITAIRE SOUFFRANCE-PSYCHOLOGIQUE DÉPRESSION DÉSESPOIR FACTEUR-RISQUE
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