Perceptions of past parenting and adult attachment as vulnerability factors for suicidal ideation in the context of the integrated motivational–volitional model of suicidal behavior
Tiago C Zortea, Cindy M Gray, Rory C O’Connor.
Objective We aimed to investigate whether perceptions of past parenting and current attachment orientations are associated with key components of the Integrated Motivational–Volitional (IMV) Model of Suicidal Behavior. We investigated the relationship between perceptions of past parenting, attachment, suicide ideation, defeat, entrapment, coping, and resilience. Method A total of 730 adult participants responded to an online questionnaire comprised of psychological measures. An initial regression analysis indicated that memories of past parenting and attachment were associated with suicide ideation. Four mediation models were tested based on the IMV model, all controlling for depressive symptoms. Results In the first model, attachment orientations mediated the relationships between perceptions of past parenting dimensions and defeat. In the second, defeat mediated the relationships between attachment orientations and entrapment. In the third, entrapment mediated the relationship between defeat and suicidal ideation, but coping did not moderate the defeat–entrapment relationship. In the final model, entrapment mediated the relationship between defeat and suicide ideation, with resilience moderating this relationship. Conclusions The findings are novel and congruent with the core principles of the IMV model. Clinical implications suggest the protective effect of resilience and strengthening of self-compassion attitudes to reduce the effect of insecure attachment strategies. IDÉATION COMPORTEMENT-SUICIDAIRE PROCESSUS-SUICIDAIRE FACTEUR-RISQUE FACTEUR-PRÉCIPITANT FACTEUR-PROTECTION ÉVÉNEMENT-VIE COPING RÉSILIENCE ATTACHEMENT ENVIRONNEMENT RÉSOLUTION-PROBLÈME SOUTIEN-SOCIAL FARDEAU MODÈLE
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