Self-injurious behaviors and adult attachment: A review of the literature


Andrew J Wrath, Camelia G Adams.


Self-injurious behaviors (SIB) continue to afflict a significant segment of the clinical and general population, sometimes with fatal consequences. The development of SIB seems to share developmental pathways and mechanisms similar to attachment insecurity. To date, no reviews have explored their relationship. A search of publication databases PubMed and PsychInfo from 1969 through April 2018 was conducted and 17 papers met inclusion criteria. Of the 17 articles identified, 13 reported a positive relationship and 1 reported a negative relationship between attachment insecurity and SIB. Both attachment anxiety and avoidance seem to play a role in the risk for SIB, possibly through different mechanisms and likely with different impacts on the choice for either self-harm or suicide attempts. TENTATIVE NON-SUICIDAIRE AUTO-MUTILATION COMPORTEMENT-SUICIDAIRE COMPORTEMENT-AUTODESTRUCTEUR ATTACHEMENT REVUE-LITTÉRATURE

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