Suicide risk assessment and management in the psychiatry emergency service: Psychiatric provider experience and perceptions
Sruthi Chunduri, Sabrina Browne, David E Pollio, Barry A Hong, Writtika Roy, Kimberly Roaten, Fuad Khan, Carol S North.
textbfObjective: To explore suicide risk identification and flow of patients with differing suicide risk through the Psychiatric Emergency Service (PES) to their clinical dispositions. textbfMethods: Three focus groups (N = 15 psychiatric providers working in the PES of a large urban teaching hospital) discussing suicide risk assessment in the PES were conducted, followed by thematic analysis. textbfResults: Seven themes were identified in 624 coded passages. In focus groups conducted to explore suicide risk assessment, discussions shifted to broader matters, e.g., frustrations with the system in which the providers worked. textbfConclusion: Four main messages emerged: screening tools cannot replace clinical judgment; the existing electronic health record is not efficient and sufficiently informative; competing demands challenge PES psychiatrists; and post-discharge patient outcome data are needed. These concerns suggest directions for improving patient care. ÉTATS-UNIS PATIENT-PSYCHIATRIQUE ÉVALUATION-CLINIQUE DÉPISTAGE POTENTIEL-SUICIDAIRE ÉTUDE-QUALITATIVE
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