The association between racial discrimination and suicidality among African-American adolescents and young adults


Suraj Arshanapally, Kimberly B Werner, Carolyn E Sartor, Kathleen K Bucholz.


This study assessed the association between racial discrimination and suicidality (ideation, plan, or attempt) in African-American adolescents and young adults (n = 806, mean age = 17.9 years). Structured psychiatric phone interviews were conducted in offspring and their mothers in a high-risk alcoholism family study. Logistic regression analyses using offspring’s own racial discrimination as a predictor revealed elevated odds of suicidality, even after adjusting for correlated psychiatric conditions (OR = 1.76) but was reduced to non-significance after adjusting for maternal experiences of racial discrimination (OR = 3.19 in males), depression, and problem drinking. Findings support a link between racial discrimination and suicidality in African-American youth that, for males, is partially explained by maternal racial discrimination. ÉTATS-UNIS GENRE HOMME FEMME ADOLESCENT JEUNE-ADULTE IDÉATION INTENTION TENTATIVE AFRO-AMÉRICAIN ETHNICITÉ CULTURE

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