A shortened screener version of the Cultural Assessment of Risk for Suicide
Joyce Chu, Brandon Hoeflein, Peter Goldblum, Dorothy Espelage, Jordan Davis, Bruce Bongar.
textbfObjectives: The current study aimed to establish a shortened version of the Cultural Assessment of Risk for Suicide (CARS) measure that can be more widely utilized under time constraints in clinical and applied settings. textbfMethods: Based on a sample of 485 adults, confirmatory factor analysis, bivariate correlations, and Receiver-Operating Characteristic analyses were employed to determine the most psychometrically valid shortened version. textbfResults: The 14-item, 8-factor CARS screener (CARS-S) evidenced high reliability, high correlation with the original full version of the CARS questionnaire, and high convergent validity with measures of other suicide-related constructs of depression, hopelessness, suicidal ideation, and lifetime suicide attempts. The suggested clinical cut-off is 38.5. textbfConclusions: The shortened CARS-S offers a time-efficient assessment of cultural suicide risk factors. PSYCHOMÉTRIE DÉPISTAGE POTENTIEL-SUICIDAIRE CULTURE ETHNICITÉ INSTRUMENT VALIDITÉ INSTRUMENT: CULTURAL-ASSESSMENT-RISK-FOR-SUICIDE
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