Elodie Goulet

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Laurent Corthésy-Blondin and Brian Mishara and Cécile Bardon. (2024). Enquête sur la prévention du suicide chez les techniciens ambulanciers et paramédics au Québec. pp. 12.


F. Gholi Zadeh Kharrat and C. Gagne and A. Lesage and G. Gariépy and J. -F. Pelletier and C. Brousseau-Paradis and L. Rochette and E. Pelletier and Pascale Levesque and M. Mohammed and J. Wang. (2024). Explainable artificial intelligence models for predicting risk of suicide using health administrative data in Quebec. 19: PLoS One: (4) pp. e0301117.


Louis-Philippe Côté and Julie Lane. (2024). Evaluation of the effectiveness of suicide.ca, Quebec’s digital suicide prevention strategy platform: Cross-sectional descriptive study. 8: pp. e46195.


Alaa Nfissi and Wassim. Bouachir and N. Bougila and Brian Mishara. (2024). Unlocking the emotional states of high-risk suicide callers through speech analysis. pp. 33–40.


Cécile Bardon and Véronique Longtin and Rébecca Beaulieu-Bergeron. (2023). AUDIS : Mieux prévenir le suicide chez les personnes autistes ou présentant une déficience intellectuelle. La pratique en mouvement: (25) pp. 7-11.


Pascale Levesque and Paul-André Perron. (2023). Les comportements suicidaires au Québec : portrait 2023. pp. 57 p..


Christine Genest and Nicolas Bergeron and Émilie Provost-Tremblay and Marie-Michèle Dufour and Stéphane Guay and Steve Geoffrion. (2022). Suicidal ideation of healthcare workers during COVID-19: An ecological momentary assessment. 5: (2) pp. 89-100.


Stefan Stijelja and Brian Mishara. (2022). Preventing suicidal and self-Injurious behavior in correctional facilities: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis. 51: pp. 101560.


Louis-Philippe Côté and Brian Mishara. (2022). Effect of helping suicidal people using text messaging: An evaluation of effects and best practices of the Canadian suicide prevention Service's text helpline. 52: (6) pp. 1140-1148.


Jessica Rassy and Alain Lesage and C. Larue and Réal Labelle and Consortium. (2022). Protocole SécUrgence : Un protocole d’évaluation et d’accompagnement des personnes à risque de suicide dans les urgences du Québec. pp. 38 p..


Deborah Ummel and Mélanie Vachon. (2022). Perdre un être cher en contexte de COVID-19 : le deuil pandémique comme expérience de deuil désaffranchi ?. 33: (1) pp. [xx-xx].


Pascal Lévesque and Jessica Rassy and Christine Genest. (2022). Le suicide au Québec : 1981 à 2019 — Mise à jour 2022. pp. 66.


A. Plaisance and Brian Mishara and J. Masella and G. Bravo and V. Couture and D. Tapp. (2022). Quebec population highly supportive of extending Medical Aid in Dying to incapacitated persons and people suffering only from a mental illness: Content analysis of attitudes and representations. 21: Ethics, Medicine and Public Health: pp. 100759.


Dave Fildes and Kathryn Williams and Sally Bradford and Pam Grootemaat and Conrad Kobel and Rob Gordon. (2022). Implementation of a pilot SMS-based crisis support service in Australia: Staff experiences of supporting help-seekers via text. 43: Crisis: (1) pp. 46–52.


Elizabeth Karras and Brooke A. Levandowski and Janet M. McCarten. (2022). An exploration of barriers to suicide prevention messaging with US veterans. 43: Crisis: (1) pp. 28–34.


Kylie King and Marisa Schlichthorst and Ciara Millar and Georgina Sutherland and Lay San Too. (2022). Understanding the context of suicides by older men compared with younger old men and women: An exploration of coronial data in Victoria, Australia. 43: Crisis: (1) pp. 67–71.


Seyed Kazem Malakouti and Marzieh Nojomi and Behrooz Ghanbari and Nafee Rasouli and Shiva Khaleghparast and Ida Ghaemmagham Farahani. (2022). Aftercare and suicide reattempt prevention in Tehran, Iran: Outcome of 12-month randomized controlled study. 43: Crisis: (1) pp. 18–27.


Emmanuel Nii-Boye Quarshie and Johnny Andoh-Arthur. (2022). Suicide attempts among 1,437 adolescents aged 12–17 years attending junior high schools in Ghana. 43: Crisis: (1) pp. 8–17.


Lennart Reifels and Sadhvi Krishnamoorthy and Kairi Kõlves and Jillian Francis. (2022). Implementation science in suicide prevention. 43: Crisis: (1) pp. 1–7.


Pooja Saini and Caroline Clements and Kathryn Jane Gardner and Jennifer Chopra and Cameron Latham and Rohit Kumar and Peter Taylor. (2022). Identifying suicide and self-harm research priorities in north west England: A Delphi study. 43: Crisis: (1) pp. 35–45.


Fiona Shand and Luke Duffy and Michelle Torok. (2022). Can government responses to unemployment reduce the impact of unemployment on suicide? A systematic review. 43: Crisis: (1) pp. 59–66.


Hajime Sueki. (2022). Characteristics of train stations where railway suicides have occurred and locations within the stations. 43: Crisis: (1) pp. 53–58.


Camille Blouin. (2021). Santé mentale des camionneurs québécois ayant vécu un accident de la route impliquant une tentative de suicide devant leur camion.


David Boulos. (2021). Rapport de 2020 sur la mortalité par suicide dans les Forces armées canadiennes (de 1995 à 2019). pp. xv, 19 p..


Katie Engelhart. (2021). The Inevitable.


C. Moutier and M. Mortali and J. Brandt and R. Rose and L. Hoffman. (2021). After a Suicide: A Guide for Veterinary Workplaces.


World Health Organization. (2021). Live life: an implementation guide for suicide prevention in countries. pp. xii, 127 p..


World Health Organization. (2021). Suicide worldwide in 2019: global health estimates. pp. iv, 28 p..


Cécile Bardon and Diane Morin and Lorraine Millette. (2021). Présentation synthétique du projet ayant pour titre :Stratégie innovante de mobilisation des connaissances en prévention du suicide chez les personnes ayant une déficience intellectuelle ou un trouble du spectre de láutisme : collaborer avec le réseau pour améliorer les services. 3: La revue de l'observatoire en inclusion sociale: (1) pp. 9-12.


Georgia Vrakas. (2021). Mémoire soumis dans le cadre des consultations particulières et auditions publiques sur l’évolution de la Loi concernant les soins de fin de vie.


Christine Genest and Francine Gratton and Tara O’Reilly and Émilie Allard and Nathalie Maltais. (2021). Emerging despite the indelible wound: A grounded theory of family transformation following adolescent suicide. Journal of Family Nursing:


Pascale Lévesque and Brian Mishara and Paul-André Perron. (2021). Le suicide au Québec : 1981 à 2018 — Mise à jour 2021. pp. iii, 46 p..


Jessica Rassy and Cécile Bardon and Luc Dargis and Louis-Philippe Côté and Laurent Corthésy-Blondin and Carl-Maria Mörch and Réal Labelle. (2021). Information and communications technology use in suicide prevention: A scoping review. Journal of Medical Internet Research:


Christine Genest and Rosemary Ricciardelli and Nicholas R Carleton. (2021). Correctional work: Reflections regarding suicide. 18: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health: (8) pp. 4280.


Mental Health Commission of Canada. (2021). Talking to Children About a Suicide. pp. 7 p..


Vincent Thériault. (2021). Étendre l’aide médicale à mourir à des patients inaptes : une étude qualitative descriptive sur les attitudes de personnes vivant avec la maladie d’Alzheimer.


Brian Mishara and Louis-Francis Fortin. (2021). Long-term effects of a comprehensive police suicide prevention program: 22-year follow-up. Crisis:


CSMC Commission de la santé mentale du Canada. (2021). Parler d’un suicide à des enfants.


Brian Mishara . (2021). Mémoire soumis dans le cadre des consultations particulières et auditions publiques sur l’évolution de la Loi concernant les soins de fin de vie. pp. 9.


Brian Mishara and David N Weisstub. (2021). Genetic testing for suicide risk assessment: Theoretical premises, research challenges and ethical concerns. Preventive Medicine:


Ophély Dorol-Beauroy-Eustache and Brian Mishara. (2021). Systematic review of risk and protective factors for suicidal and self-harm behaviors among children and adolescents involved with cyberbullying. 152: Preventive Medicine: (1) pp. 106684.


AQPS. (2021). Aide médicale à mourir et prévention du suicide: Mémoire présenté à la Commission spéciale sur l'évolution de la Loi concernant les soins de fin de vie. pp. 33 p..


Pascale Lévesque and Cécile Bardon and Geneviève Gariépy. (2021). Vigie des idéations suicidaires et des tentatives de suicide en période de COVID-19 à partir du Système d’information de gestion des urgences. pp. iii, 18 p..


Dana Alonzo. (2021). Reports on the perceived advantages and disadvantages of suicidal behavior by patients with depression: Content analysis of the decisional balance worksheet. 42: Crisis: (3) pp. 210–217.


Brooke A. Ammerman and Sarah P. Carter and Heather M. Gebhardt and Jonathan Buchholz and Mark A. Reger. (2021). An initial investigation of suicide attempt disclosures among US veterans. 42: Crisis: (6) pp. 411–417.


Florian Arendt and Antonia Markiewitz and Sebastian Scherr. (2021). Investigating suicide-related subliminal messages on Instagram: A frame-by-frame analysis of video posts. 42: Crisis: (4) pp. 263–269.


Anna Baran and Rebekka Gerstner and Michiko Ueda and Agnieszka Gmitrowicz. (2021). Implementing real-time data suicide surveillance systems. 42: Crisis: (5) pp. 321–327.


Yvonne Bergmans and Tim Guimond and Clare Lambert and Shane McInerney and Kristen O'Brien. (2021). Alexithymia in people with recurrent suicide attempts: A niche area for targeted treatment. 42: Crisis: (6) pp. 425–433.


Alan L. Berman and Morton M. Silverman and Diego De Leo and Daniel Reidenberg. (2021). Defining suicidology and the titling of suicidologist?. 42: Crisis: (3) pp. 165–170.


Silvia Sara Canetto and Paolo Antonelli and Anna Ciccotti and Davide Dettore and Dorian A. Lamis. (2021). Suicidal as normal – A lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth script?. 42: Crisis: (4) pp. 292–300.


Qijin Cheng and Xingzhou Zhang and Carrie Lui and Paul S. F. Yip. (2021). Suicide research in Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macau over three decades: A scoping review. 42: Crisis: (6) pp. 455–464.


Kirsten Christensen and Melanie A. Hom and Ian H. Stanley and Thomas E. Joiner. (2021). Reasons for living and suicide attempts among young adults with lifetime suicide ideation. 42: Crisis: (3) pp. 179–185.


Tiana Edwards and Michelle Torok and Lauren McGillivray and Trent Ford and Katherine Mok and Emily Li and Mark E. Larsen. (2021). Social media responses to online suicide-related news articles. 42: Crisis: (4) pp. 309–313.


Kristin Espeland and Birthe Loa Knizek and Heidi Hjelmeland. (2021). "Time to try something new" – Professionals' experiences and reflections on suicide prevention in Norway. 42: Crisis: (6) pp. 434–440.


Jacqueline M. Frei and Vladimir Sazhin and Melissa Fick and Keong Yap. (2021). Emotion-oriented coping style predicts self-harm in response to acute psychiatric hospitalization. 42: Crisis: (3) pp. 232–238.


Anthony Fulginiti and Hsun-Ta Hsu and Jarrod Call and Robin Petering and Diane Santa Maria and Jama Shelton and Sarah C. Narendorf and Kristin M. Ferguson and Kimberly Bender and Anamika Barman-Adhikari. (2021). Firearm access and suicidal crises among young adults experiencing homelessness in the United States: A lethal intersection. 42: Crisis: (5) pp. 396–401.


Lucas Godoy Garraza and Nora Kuiper and Wendi F. Cross and Brandee Hicks and Christine Walrath. (2021). The effectiveness of active learning strategies in gatekeeper training on behavioral outcomes. 42: Crisis: (5) pp. 360–368.


Jeanine P. D. Guidry and Nicole H. O'Donnell and Carrie A. Miller and Paul B. Perrin and Kellie E. Carlyle. (2021). Pinning despair and distress–suicide-related content on visual social media platform Pinterest. 42: Crisis: (4) pp. 270–277.


Amy S. Hedman-Robertson and Starr K. Sage. (2021). Celebrity suicide: Media recommendations for reporting suicide not followed. 42: Crisis: (6) pp. 418–424.


Ruthmarie Hernández-Torres and Paola Carminelli-Corretjer and Nelmit Tollinchi-Natali and Ernesto Rosario-Hernández and Yovanska Duarté-Vélez and Eliut Rivera-Segarra. (2021). Validating the factor structure of the Stigma of Suicide Scale – Short Form Spanish version among healthcare students. 42: Crisis: (4) pp. 314–318.


Karien Hill and Shawn Somerset and Ralf Schwarzer and Carina Chan. (2021). Promoting the community's ability to detect and respond to suicide risk through an online bystander intervention model-informed tool: A randomized controlled trial. 42: Crisis: (3) pp. 225–231.


Jennifer A. Horney and Ibraheem M. Karaye and Alexander Abuabara and Sera Gearhart and Shannon Grabich and Maria Perez-Patron. (2021). The impact of natural disasters on suicide in the United States, 2003–2015. 42: Crisis: (5) pp. 328–334.


Chao S. Hu and Jiajia Ji and Jinhao Huang and Zhe Feng and Dong Xie and Mei Li and Zhijian Liang and Zhaoguo Wei. (2021). Wiser reasoning and less disgust have the potential to better achieve suicide prevention. 42: Crisis: (3) pp. 202–209.


Therese E. Kenny and Sierra Goldfinger and Stephen P. Lewis. (2021). Examining adherence to suicide reporting guidelines in initial reports on high-profile celebrity suicides. 42: Crisis: (6) pp. 488–491.


Mohammed Madadin and Ritesh G. Menezes and Maha A. Alassaf and Abdulaziz M. Almulhim and Mahdi S. Abumadini and Fatimah A. Alnemer and Fatimah R. Alrasheed and Alawiah K. Alramadhan. (2021). Suicidal ideation among medical students in Dammam, Saudi Arabia: A cross-sectional study. 42: Crisis: (4) pp. 278–283.


Rachel L. Martin and Nicole S. Smith and Nicole M. Caulfield and Daniel W. Capron. (2021). The pathways of aggression – Differential indirect associations between anxiety sensitivity cognitive concerns and suicidality. 42: Crisis: (5) pp. 335–342.


Kelly Mazzer and Megan O'Riordan and Alan Woodward and Debra Rickwood. (2021). A systematic review of user expectations and outcomes of crisis support services. 42: Crisis: (6) pp. 465–473.


Joanna C. McLaughlin and David Gunnell. (2021). Suicide deaths in university students in a UK city between 2010 and 2018 – Case series. 42: Crisis: (3) pp. 171–178.


Carla Meurk and Lisa Wittenhagen and Megan L. Steele and Laura Ferris and Bronwen Edwards and Emma Bosley and Ed Heffernan. (2021). Examining the use of police and ambulance data in suicide research: A systematic scoping review of data linkage studies. 42: Crisis: (5) pp. 386–395.


Faraz Mughal and Hayley C. Gorton and Maria Michail and Jo Robinson and Pooja Saini. (2021). Suicide prevention in primary care: The opportunity for intervention. 42: Crisis: (4) pp. 241–246.


Jorge L. Ordóñez-Carrasco and Isabel Cuadrado-Guirado and Antonio J. Rojas-Tejada. (2021). Experiential avoidance in the context of the integrated motivational–volitional model of suicidal behavior: A moderation study. 42: Crisis: (4) pp. 284–291.


Deepak Prabhakar and Edward L. Peterson and Yong Hu and Simran Chawa and Rebecca C. Rossom and Frances L. Lynch and Christine Y. Lu and Beth E. Waitzfelder and Ashli A. Owen-Smith and L. Keoki Williams and Arne Beck and Gregory E. Simon and Brian K. Ahmedani. (2021). Serious suicide attempts and risk of suicide death: A case–control study in the US healthcare systems. 42: Crisis: (5) pp. 343–350.


Emmanuel Nii-Boye Quarshie and Samuel Kofi Odame and Francis Annor. (2021). Suicidal behaviors in the Ghana police service: Prevalence and correlates in the Greater Accra Region. 42: Crisis: (3) pp. 194–201.


Saška Roškar and Nataša Sedlar and Lucija Furman and Maja Roškar and Anja Podlesek. (2021). Association of selected area-level indicators with suicide mortality in Slovenian municipalities. 42: Crisis: (6) pp. 441–447.


Jared F. Roush and Karen M. O'Brien and Allyson L. Ruha. (2021). Evaluating a recovery-oriented intensive outpatient program for veterans at risk for suicide. 42: Crisis: (3) pp. 218–224.


Mark Sinyor and Alex Kiss and Marissa Williams and Rabia Zaheer and Jane Pirkis and Marnin J. Heisel and Ayal Schaffer and Donald A. Redelmeier and Amy H. Cheung and Thomas Niederkrotenthaler. (2021). Changes in suicide reporting quality and deaths in Ontario following publication of national media guidelines. 42: Crisis: (5) pp. 378–385.


Jaimie Stickl Haugen and Claudia C. Sutter and Jessica L. Tinstman Jones and Laurie O. Campbell. (2021). The Teacher Expectations and Values for Suicide Prevention Scale: Confirmatory factor analysis and validation. 42: Crisis: (3) pp. 186–193.


Cornelia Leontine Vuuren and Marcel Franciscus Wal and Pim Cuijpers and Mai Jeanette Maidy Chinapaw. (2021). Sociodemographic differences in time trends of suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts among adolescents living in Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Time trends of suicidal behaviors among adolescents. 42: Crisis: (5) pp. 369–377.


Tammi Walker and Jenny Shaw and Jonathan Gibb and Clive Turpin and Catherine Reid and Kerry Gutridge and Kathryn Abel. (2021). Lessons learnt from the narratives of women who self-harm in prison. 42: Crisis: (4) pp. 255–262.


Andrea Wiglesworth and Josephine P. Abate and Bonnie Klimes-Dougan. (2021). Suicide prevention public service announcements: Recall biases associated with increased risk for suicide. 42: Crisis: (6) pp. 448–454.


Adeline Wyman Battalen and Ethan Mereish and Jennifer Putney and Christina M. Sellers and Melinda Gushwa and Kimberly H. McManama O'Brien. (2021). Associations of discrimination, suicide ideation severity and attempts, and depressive symptoms among sexual and gender minority youth. 42: Crisis: (4) pp. 301–308.


Xinhua Yang and Kai Tian and Dongfang Wang and Guangya Liu and Xiaoqun Liu and Phillippa Harrison. (2021). State anhedonia and suicidal ideation in adolescents: The role of loss of interest in friends. 42: Crisis: (4) pp. 247–254.


R. Andrew Yockey and Keith King and Rebecca Vidourek. (2021). Trends in suicidal behaviors among US adults 2015–2018. 42: Crisis: (5) pp. 351–359.


Tiago C. Zortea and Connor T. A. Brenna and Mary Joyce and Heather McClelland and Marisa Tippett and Maxwell M. Tran and Ella Arensman and Paul Corcoran and Simon Hatcher and Marnin J. Heisel and Paul Links and Rory C. O'Connor and Nicole E. Edgar and Yevin Cha and Giuseppe Guaiana and Eileen Williamson and Mark Sinyor and Stephen Platt. (2021). The impact of infectious disease-related public health emergencies on suicide, suicidal behavior, and suicidal thoughts: A systematic review. 42: Crisis: (6) pp. 474–487.


Brian Mishara and Sarah Dufour. (2020). Randomized Control Study of the Implementation and Effects of a New Mental Health Promotion Program to Improve Coping Skills in 9 to 11 Year Old Children: Passport: Skills for Life. 11: Frontiers in Psychology: (2927)


Pascale Levesque and Marie-Claude Roberge. (2020). Synthèse des connaissances sur l’impact d’une crise sanitaire ou économique sur les comportements suicidaires. pp. 17 p..


Brian Mishara and Stefan Stijelja. (2020). Trends in US suicide deaths-Reply. 174: (11) pp. 1118-1119.


Brian Mishara and Stefan Stijelja. (2020). Trends in US suicide deaths, 1999 to 2017, in the context of suicide prevention legislation. 174: (5) pp. 499-500.


Stefan Stijelja and Brian Mishara. (2020). COVID-19 and psychological distress-changes in internet searches for mental health issues in New York during the pandemic. 180: (12) pp. 1703-1706.


Brian Mishara and Georgia Vrakas and Groupe consultatif d’experts sur l’ AMM. (2020). Le Canada à la croisée des chemins : Recommandations concernant l'aide médicale à mourir pour les personnes ayant un trouble mental. Une critique fondée sur les données probantes du rapport du Groupe d'Halifax pour l'IRPP. pp. 39.


Marcia Valenstein and Heather Walters and Paul Nelson Pfeiffer and Dara Ganoczy and Mark Andrew Ilgen and Matthew Jason Miller and Matthew Fiorillo and Robert M Bossarte. (2020). Possession of household firearms and firearm-related discussions with clinicians among veterans receiving VA mental health care. 24: pp. 260-279.


Lisa M Vaughn and Cijy Elizabeth Sunny and Robin Lindquist-Grantz and Cheryl King and David Brent and Stephanie Boyd and Jacqueline Grupp-Phelan. (2020). Successful suicide screening in the pediatric emergency department: Youth, parent, researcher, and clinician perspectives. 24: pp. 124-141.


Thomas Walton and Jennifer Stuber. (2020). Firearm retailers and suicide: Results from a survey assessing willingness to engage in prevention efforts. 50: (1) pp. 83-94.


Erin F Ward-Ciesielski and Chelsey R Wilks. (2020). Conducting research with individuals at risk for suicide: Protocol for assessment and risk management. 50: (2) pp. 461-471.


Geoffrey Gauvin and Réal Labelle and Marc Daigle and Jean-Jacques Breton and Janie Houle. (2020). Psychological factors strengthening homeless youths’ life satisfaction. Journal of Social Distress and Homelessness:


Tess Soulié and Elliot Bell and Gabrielle Jenkin and Dalice Sim and Sunny Collings. (2020). Systematic exploration of countertransference phenomena in the treatment of patients at risk for suicide. 24: Archives of Suicide Research: (1) pp. 96-118.


Caitlin Wolford-Clevenger and Gregory L Stuart and Lawrence Christian Elledge and James K {McNulty} and Anthony Spirito. (2020). Proximal correlates of suicidal ideation and behaviors: A test of the interpersonal-psychological theory of suicide. 50: (1) pp. 249-262.


Xinhua Yang and Dongfang Wang and Sixun Liu and Guangya Liu and Phillippa Harrison. (2020). Stress and suicidal ideation: The role of state or trait anhedonia in a moderated mediation model. 50: (2) pp. 502-514.


Heidi M Zinzow and Martie P Thompson and Crystal B Fulmer and Jennifer Goree and Leasa Evinger. (2020). Evaluation of a brief suicide prevention training program for college campuses. 24: (1) pp. 82-95.


Tiago C Zortea and Cindy M Gray and Rory C O’Connor. (2020). Perceptions of past parenting and adult attachment as vulnerability factors for suicidal ideation in the context of the integrated motivational–volitional model of suicidal behavior. 50: (2) pp. 515-533.


Tess Soulié and William M M Levack and Elliot M Bell. (2020). Barriers to positive outcomes in treating patients at risk of suicide in Aotearoa/New Zealand: perspectives from ‘positively inclined’ clinicians. Kōtuitui: New Zealand Journal of Social Sciences Online:


Marie-Hélène Guertin and Marjorie Tremblay and Émilie Allard and Elisa Pucella and Denis Hamel and Arnaud Duhoux. (2020). Indicateurs de soins palliatifs : mise à jour des résultats pour la population adulte du Québec (2002-2016). pp. vii, 65 p..


Sharon McDonnell and Isabelle M Hunt and Sandra Flynn and Shirley Smith and Barry McGale and Jenny Shaw. (2020). From Grief to Hope: Report 2020. pp. 65 p..


Matthew Ferriman and John O'Gorman and Jacinta Hawgood and Jurgita Rimkeviciene. (2020). Depression, acquired capability for suicide, and attempted suicide. 50: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (3) pp. 577-587.


Lindsey L Monteith and Leah Wendleton and Nazanin H Bahraini and Bridget B Matarazzo and Gina Brimner and Nathaniel V Mohatt. (2020). Together With Veterans: VA National Strategy alignment and lessons learned from community-based suicide prevention for rural veterans. 50: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (3) pp. 588-600.


Anthony Fulginiti and Jeremy T Goldbach and Mary Rose Mamey and Joshua Rusow and Ankur Srivastava and Harmony Rhoades and Sheree M Schrager and David W Bond and Michael P Marshal. (2020). Integrating minority stress theory and the interpersonal theory of suicide among sexual minority youth who engage crisis services. 50: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (3) pp. 601-616.


Sarah E Butterworth and Samantha E Daruwala and Michael D Anestis. (2020). The role of reason for firearm ownership in beliefs about firearms and suicide, openness to means safety, and current firearm storage. 50: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (3) pp. 617-630.


Julia Ludwig and Sarah Liebherz and Mareike Dreier and Martin Härter and Olaf von dem Knesebeck. (2020). Public stigma toward persons with suicidal thoughts—Do age, sex, and medical condition of affected persons matter?. 50: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (3) pp. 631-642.


Alan L Berman and Gregory Carter. (2020). Technological advances and the future of suicide prevention: Ethical, legal, and empirical challenges. 50: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (3) pp. 643-651.


Pilar Santamarina-Perez and Iria Mendez and Manpreet K Singh and Michele Berk and Marisol Picado and Elena Font and Elena Moreno and Esteve Martínez and Astrid Morer and Roger Borràs and Alexandra Cosi and Soledad Romero. (2020). Adapted dialectical behavior therapy for adolescents with a high risk of suicide in a community clinic: A pragmatic randomized controlled trial. 50: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (3) pp. 652-667.


Christine E Lambert and Talia Troister and Zeinab Ramadan and Vanessa Montemarano and Cynthia G Fekken and Ronald R Holden. (2020). Psychache predicts suicide attempter status change in students starting university. 50: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (3) pp. 668-678.


Brooke A Ammerman and Mark A Reger. (2020). Evaluation of prevention efforts and risk factors among veteran suicide decedents who died by firearm. 50: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (3) pp. 679-687.


Yi-Chun Lin and Shen-Ing Liu and Shu-Chin Chen and Fang-Ju Sun and Hui-Chun Huang and Chiu-Ron Huang and Yu-Chuan Chiu. (2020). Brief cognitive-based psychosocial intervention and case management for suicide attempters discharged from the emergency department in Taipei, Taiwan: A randomized controlled study. 50: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (3) pp. 688-705.


Lea Mayer and Nicolas Rüsch and Laura M Frey and Michael R Nadorff and Chris W Drapeau and Lindsay Sheehan and Nathalie Oexle. (2020). Anticipated suicide stigma, secrecy, and suicidality among suicide attempt survivors. 50: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (3) pp. 706-713.


Manivel Rengasamy and Christie Sylvester and Joshua Shulman and Anthony Pizon. (2020). Contemporary characteristics and lethality correlates of serious suicide attempts in children and adolescents. 50: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (3) pp. 714-723.


Martina Di Simplicio and Elizabeth Appiah-Kusi and Paul Wilkinson and Peter Watson and Caroline Meiser-Stedman and David J Kavanagh and Emily A Holmes. (2020). Imaginator: A proof-of-concept feasibility trial of a brief imagery-based psychological intervention for young people who self-harm. 50: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (3) pp. 724-740.


Larry D Pruitt and Leidy S Mcintosh and Greg Reger. (2020). Suicide safety planning during a pandemic: The implications of COVID-19 on coping with a crisis. 50: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (3) pp. 741-749.


Annelie Werbart Törnblom and Kimmo Sorjonen and Bo Runeson and Per-Anders Rydelius. (2020). Who is at risk of dying young from suicide and sudden violent death? Common and specific risk factors among children, adolescents, and young adults. 50: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (4) pp. 757-777.


Gabrielle Campbell and Shane Darke and Louisa Degenhardt and Harriet Townsend and Gregory Carter and Brian Draper and Michael Farrell and Johan Duflou and Julia Lappin. (2020). Prevalence and characteristics associated with chronic noncancer pain in suicide decedents: A national study. 50: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (4) pp. 778-791.


Kristen M Palframan and Jessica Blue-Howells and Sean C Clark and John F McCarthy. (2020). Veterans justice programs: Assessing population risks for suicide deaths and attempts. 50: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (4) pp. 792-804.


Rachel L Martin and Brian W Bauer and Nicole S Smith and Samantha E Daruwala and Bradley A Green and Michael D Anestis and Daniel W Capron. (2020). Internal battles: Examining how anger/hostility moderate the association between negative urgency and suicidal desire variables in military and civilian samples. 50: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (4) pp. 805-822.


Katie Dhingra and Sean M Mitchell and Bill Davies and Michael D Anestis and Joye C Anestis. (2020). Suicide ideation among male prisoners: Preliminary evidence that psychopathic traits are indirectly linked to suicide ideation through thwarted interpersonal needs. 50: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (4) pp. 823-837.


Lorenzo Pelizza and Clara Pellegrini and Emanuela Quattrone and Silvia Azzali and Giulia Landi and Pietro Pellegrini and Emanuela Leuci. (2020). Suicidal ideation in patients experiencing a first-episode psychosis: Findings from the 2-year follow-up of the “Parma Early Psychosis” program. 50: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (4) pp. 838-855.


Anna Lisa Westermair and Nico Matzkeit and Annika Waldmann and Felix Stang and Peter Mailänder and Ulrich Schweiger and Tobias Kisch. (2020). Traumatizing oneself—Deep wrist injuries self-inflicted with suicidal intention are associated with more severe PTSD symptomatology than similar injuries from accidents. 50: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (4) pp. 856-866.


Simon Zhornitsky and Thang M Le and Isha Dhingra and Brendan D Adkinson and Stephane Potvin and Chiang-shan R Li. (2020). Interpersonal risk factors for suicide in cocaine dependence: Association with self-esteem, personality traits, and childhood abuse. 50: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (4) pp. 867-883.


Michael M McClay and Amy M Brausch and Stephen S O'Connor. (2020). Social support mediates the association between disclosure of suicide attempt and depression, perceived burdensomeness, and thwarted belongingness. 50: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (4) pp. 884-898.


Emma H Moscardini and Alix B Aboussouan and Craig J Bryan and Raymond P Tucker. (2020). Suicide-specific cognitions, attentional fixation, and worst-point suicidal ideation. 50: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (4) pp. 899-908.


Susanna Pallini and Arianna Terrinoni and Sara Iannello and Rita Cerutti and Mauro Ferrara and Fiorella Fantini and Fiorenzo Laghi. (2020). Attachment-related representations and suicidal ideations in nonsuicidal self-injury adolescents with and without suicide attempts: A pilot study. 50: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (4) pp. 909-920.


Meghan Romanelli and Yunyu Xiao and Michael A Lindsey. (2020). Sexual identity–Behavior profiles and suicide outcomes among heterosexual, lesbian, and gay sexually active adolescents. 50: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (4) pp. 921-933.


Pascale Lévesque and Éric Pelletier and Paul-André Perron. (2020). Le suicide au Québec : 1981 à 2017 — Mise à jour 2020. pp. 25 p..


Mélanie Vachon and Deborah Ummel and Adèle Bourget-Godbout and Alexandra Guité-Verret and Philippe Laperle. (2020). Le projet j'accompagne: Panser et repenser la fin de vie et le deuil à l’heure de la pandémie de COVID-19. 20: Les Cahiers francophones de soins palliatifs: (1) pp. 1-11.


Carl-Maria Mörch and Abhishek Gupta and Brian L Mishara. (2020). Canada protocol: An ethical checklist for the use of artificial Intelligence in suicide prevention and mental health. 108: Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: pp. 101934.


Avanti Adhia and Christopher R {DeCou} and Tierney Huppert and Rajiv Ayyagari. (2020). Murder–suicides perpetrated by adolescents: Findings from the national violent death reporting system. 50: (2) pp. 534-544.


Nicholas P Allan and Jill Holm-Denoma and Kenneth R Conner and Kelly L Zuromski and Kevin G Saulnier and Tracy Stecker. (2020). Profiles of risk for suicidal behavior in past and current United States Military personnel: Latent profile analysis of current risk factors. 24: (1) pp. 1-17.


Ioannis Angelakis and Patricia Gooding. (2020). Obsessive–compulsive disorder and suicidal experiences: The role of experiential avoidance. 50: (2) pp. 359-371.


Usman Arshad and Farhat-ul-Ain and Jessica Gauntlett and Nusrat Husain and Nasim Chaudhry and Peter James Taylor. (2020). A systematic review of the evidence supporting mobile- and internet-based psychological interventions for self-harm. 50: (1) pp. 151-179.


Kalina N Babeva and Alexandra M Klomhaus and Catherine A Sugar and Olivia Fitzpatrick and Joan R Asarnow. (2020). Adolescent suicide attempt prevention: Predictors of response to a cognitive–behavioral family and youth centered intervention. 50: (1) pp. 56-71.


Margaret M Baer and Matthew T Tull and Courtney N Forbes and Julia R Richmond and Kim L Gratz. (2020). Methods matter: Nonsuicidal self-injury in the form of cutting is uniquely associated with suicide attempt severity in patients with substance use disorders. 50: (2) pp. 397-407.


Michele S Berk and Nicole K Starace and Vanessa P Black and Claudia Avina. (2020). Implementation of Dialectical Behavior Therapy with suicidal and self-harming adolescents in a community clinic. 24: (1) pp. 64-81.


Mark E Boyes and Adrienne Wilmot and Penelope A Hasking. (2020). Nonsuicidal self-injury-related differences in the experience of negative and positive emotion. 50: (2) pp. 437-448.


Amy M Brausch and Stephen S O'Connor and Jeffrey T Powers and Michael M {McClay} and Jordan A Gregory and David A Jobes. (2020). Validating the suicide status form for the collaborative assessment and management of suicidality in a psychiatric adolescent sample. 50: (1) pp. 263-276.


Alexandra Brereton and Eleanor {McGlinchey}. (2020). Self-harm, emotion regulation, and experiential avoidance: A systematic review. 24: pp. 1-24.


Peter C Britton and Kenneth R Conner and Benjamin P Chapman and Stephen A Maisto. (2020). Motivational interviewing to address suicidal ideation: A randomized controlled trial in veterans. 50: (1) pp. 233-248.


Julia D Buckner and Elizabeth M Lewis and Raymond P Tucker. (2020). Mental health problems and suicide risk: The impact of acute suicidal affective disturbance. 24: pp. 303-313.


Danielle R Busby and Cheryl A King and David Brent and Jaqueline Grupp-Phelan and Madelyn Gould and Kent Page and Theron Charles Casper and The Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network ( PECARN. (2020). Adolescents’ engagement with crisis hotline risk-management services: A report from the Emergency Department Screen for Teen Suicide Risk (ED-STARS) Study. 50: (1) pp. 72-82.


Aubrey Bush and Fares Qeadan. (2020). Social support and its effects on attempted suicide among American Indian/Alaska Native youth in New Mexico. 24: pp. 337-359.


Niels Buus and Annette Erlangsen and Jo River and Kate Andreasson and Hanne Frandsen and Jette Louise Skovgaard Larsen and Merete Nordentoft and Anette Juel. (2020). Stakeholder perspectives on using and developing the MYPLAN suicide prevention mobile phone application: A focus group study. 24: (1) pp. 48-63.


Alison L Calear and Philip J Batterham and Matthew Sunderland and Natacha Carragher. (2020). Development and validation of static and adaptive screeners to assess suicidal thoughts and behavior. 50: (1) pp. 189-200.


Amy Y Cameron and Tracie M Shea and Alyson B Randall. (2020). Acute shame predicts urges for suicide but not for substance use in a veteran population. 50: (1) pp. 292-299.


Cécile Bardon and D Morin and L Millette. (2020). Stratégie innovante de mobilisation des connaissances en prévention du suicide chez les personnes ayant une DI ou un TSA : collaborer avec le réseau pour améliorer les services. pp. 108 p..


Jason I Chen and Augustine Osman and Stacey L Freedenthal and Peter M Gutierrez. (2020). An examination of the psychometric properties of the Reasons for Living Inventory within a male veteran clinical sample. 24: pp. 204-230.


Observatoire national du suicide. (2020). Suicide : quels liens avec le travail et le chômage ? Penser la prévention et les systèmes d’information: Observatoire national du suicide - 4e rapport / juin 2020. pp. 268 p..


J Rassy and D Daneau and C Larue and E Rahme and N Low and S Lamarre and G Turecki and J P Bonin and H Racine and S Morin and K Dasgupta and J Renaud and A Lesage. (2020). Measuring quality of care received by suicide attempters in the emergency department. Archives of Suicide Research:


Angela Clapperton and Lyndal Bugeja and Stuart Newstead and Jane Pirkis. (2020). Identifying typologies of persons who died by suicide: Characterizing suicide in Victoria, Australia. 24: (1) pp. 18-33.


Diego de la Vega Sánchez and Julio A Guija and Pedro Pérez-Moreno and Samuel A Kelly and María Santos and María A Oquendo and Philippe Courtet and José Giner and Lucas Giner. (2020). Association of religious activity with male suicide deaths. 50: (2) pp. 449-460.


Eva Duarte and Maria Gouveia-Pereira and Hugo S Gomes and Daniel Sampaio. (2020). How do families represent the functions of deliberate self-harm? A comparison between the social representations from adolescents and their parents. 24: pp. 173-189.


William Feigelman and Zohn Rosen and Julie Cerel. (2020). Unraveling the complex web of associations between easy access to firearms and premature mortalities. 50: (1) pp. 277-291.


Skye Fitzpatrick and Richard Zeifman and Lillian Krantz and Shelley {McMain} and Janice R Kuo. (2020). Getting specific about emotion and self-inflicted injury: An examination across emotion processes in borderline personality disorder. 24: pp. 102-123.


Meghan L Fox and Tyler G James and Steven L Barnett. (2020). Suicidal behaviors and help-seeking attitudes among deaf and hard-of-hearing college students. 50: (2) pp. 387-396.


Peter J Franz and Erik C Nook and Patrick Mair and Matthew K Nock. (2020). Using topic modeling to detect and describe self‐injurious and related content on a large‐scale digital platform. 50: (1) pp. 5-18.


Andrea Gabilondo and Edurne Aristegi and Ana Gonzalez‐Pinto and José Martin Zurimendi and Maider Mateos Del Pino and Raquel Roca and Iñaki Zorrilla and Alvaro Iruin. (2020). Prevention of suicidal behavior with telemedicine in patients with a recent suicide attempt: Is a 6‐month intervention long enough?. 50: (1) pp. 211-219.


John F Gunn Iii and Sara E Goldstein and David Lester. (2020). The impact of widely publicized suicides on search trends: Using Google trends to test the Werther and Papageno Effects. 24: pp. 142-155.


Emily E Haroz and Colin G Walsh and Novalene Goklish and Mary F Cwik and Victoria O’Keefe and Allison Barlow. (2020). Reaching those at highest risk for suicide: Development of a model using machine learning methods for use with Native American communities. 50: (2) pp. 422-436.


Robert Holliday and Cathy Brennan and David Cottrell. (2020). Understanding adolescents’ experiences of self-harm: Secondary analysis of family therapy sessions from the SHIFT Trial. 24: pp. 190-203.


Quintin A Hunt and Lindsey M Weiler and Jenifer {McGuire} and Tai Mendenhall and Roger Kobak and Guy S Diamond. (2020). Testing basic assumptions of the Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire-15 in a sample of clinically depressed and suicidal youth. 50: (2) pp. 372-386.


Lisbeth Hybholt and Niels Buus and Annette Erlangsen and Lene Lauge Berring. (2020). Older adults bereaved by suicide: A systematic literature search identifying zero studies. 24: (1) pp. 119-124.


Joshua T Jordan and Dale E {McNiel}. (2020). Perceived coercion during admission into psychiatric hospitalization increases risk of suicide attempts after discharge. 50: (1) pp. 180-188.


Mariko Kanamori and Naoki Kondo. (2020). Suicide and types of agriculture: A time‐series analysis in Japan. 50: (1) pp. 122-137.


Ira Katz and Catherine N Barry and Samantha A Cooper and Wesley J Kasprow and Rani A Hoff. (2020). Use of the Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS) in a large sample of Veterans receiving mental health services in the Veterans Health Administration. 50: (1) pp. 111-121.


Ronald C Kessler and Samantha A Chalker and Alex R Luedtke and Ekaterina Sadikova and David A Jobes. (2020). A preliminary precision treatment rule for remission of suicide ideation. 50: (2) pp. 558-572.


Sunghwan Kim and Kyoung Ho Choi and Kang-Sook Lee and Dai-Jin Kim and Seung-Chul Hong and Hae-Kook Lee and Yong-Sil Kweon and Chung Tai Lee and Kyoung-Uk Lee. (2020). Risk factors for serious suicide attempts with high medical severity. 50: (2) pp. 408-421.


Christa D Labouliere and Barbara Stanley and Alison M Lake and Madelyn S Gould. (2020). Safety planning on crisis lines: Feasibility, acceptability, and perceived helpfulness of a brief intervention to mitigate future suicide risk. 50: (1) pp. 29-41.


Hélène Landrault and Nemat Jaafari and Mohamed Amine and Gabriel Malka and Leila Selimbegović and Armand Chatard. (2020). Suicidal ideation in elite schools: A test of the interpersonal theory and the escape theory of suicide. 50: (1) pp. 201-210.


Daphne Liu and Mia Yu and Jeffrey Duncan and Anna Fondario and Hadi Kharrazi and Paul S Nestadt. (2020). Discovering the unclassified suicide cases among undetermined drug overdose deaths using machine learning techniques. 50: (2) pp. 333-344.


David D Luxton and Derek J Smolenski and Mark A Reger and Rona Margaret V Relova and Nancy A Skopp. (2020). Caring e-mails for military and veteran suicide prevention: A randomized controlled trial. 50: (1) pp. 300-314.


Jeffery Martin and Jessica M {LaCroix} and Laura A Novak and Marjan Ghahramanlou-Holloway. (2020). Typologies of suicide: A critical literature review. 24: pp. 25-40.


Rachel L Martin and Brittney L Assavedo and {AnnaBelle} O Bryan and Bradley A Green and Daniel W Capron and David M Rudd and Craig J Bryan and Michael D Anestis. (2020). The relationship between post-battle experiences and thwarted belongingness and perceived burdensomeness in three United States Military samples. 24: pp. 156-172.


Stephanie {McManimen} and Maria M Wong. (2020). Prospective investigation of the interaction between social problems and neuropsychological characteristics on the development of suicide ideation. 50: (2) pp. 545-557.


James A Naifeh and Robert J Ursano and Ronald C Kessler and Pablo A Aliaga and Holly Herberman B Mash and Carol S Fullerton and Tsz Hin Hinz Ng and Hieu M Dinh and Oscar I Gonzalez and Cara M Stokes and Gary H Wynn and Tzu-Cheg Kao and Nancy A Sampson and Murray B Stein. (2020). Early first deployment and risk of suicide attempt among first-term enlisted soldiers in the U.S. Army. 50: (2) pp. 345-358.


Angela Nicholas and Jane Pirkis and Alyssia Rossetto and Anthony Jorm and Matthew Spittal and Nicola Reavley. (2020). Confidence and intentions to help a person at risk of suicide. 50: (1) pp. 138-150.


Martin Plöderl and Sabine Kunrath and Clemens Fartacek. (2020). God bless you? The association of religion and spirituality with reduction of suicide ideation and length of hospital stay among psychiatric patients at risk for suicide. 50: (1) pp. 95-110.


Megan L Rogers and Melanie A Hom and Sean P Dougherty and Austin J Gallyer and Thomas E Joiner. (2020). Comparing suicide risk factors among individuals with a history of aborted, interrupted, and actual suicide attempts. 24: pp. 57-74.


G Rosen and H Kreiner and Y Levi-Belz. (2020). Public response to suicide news reports as reflected in computerized text analysis of online reader comments. 24: pp. 243-259.


Cassidy M Salentine and Lori M Hilt and Jennifer J Muehlenkamp and Peter P Ehlinger. (2020). The link between discrimination and worst point suicidal ideation among sexual and gender minority adults. 50: (1) pp. 19-28.


Juliette Salles and Bernard Tiret and Adeline Gallini and Peggy Gandia and Christophe Arbus and Anjali Mathur and Emmanuelle Bougon. (2020). Suicide attempts: How does the acute use of alcohol affect suicide intent?. 50: (1) pp. 315-328.


Lindsay Sheehan and Nathalie Oexle and Rachel Dubke and Hoi Ting Wan and Patrick W Corrigan. (2020). The self-stigma of suicide attempt survivors. 24: (1) pp. 34-47.


Jeffrey S Simons and Raluca M Simons and Kyle J Walters and Jessica A Keith and Carol O’Brien and Kate Andal and Scott F Stoltenberg. (2020). Nexus of despair: A network analysis of suicidal ideation among veterans. 24: pp. 314-336.


Michael D Singleton and Laura M Frey and Ashley Webb and Julie Cerel. (2020). Public health surveillance of youth suicide attempts: Challenges and opportunities. 50: (1) pp. 42-55.


April R Smith and Dorian R Dodd and Shelby Ortiz and Lauren N Forrest and Tracy K Witte. (2020). Interoceptive deficits differentiate suicide groups and associate with self-injurious thoughts and behaviors in a military sample. 50: (2) pp. 472-489.


Ailbhe Spillane and Karen Matvienko-Sikar and Celine Larkin and Ella Arensman. (2020). How do people experience a family member’s high-risk self-harm? An interpretative phenomenological analysis. 24: pp. 280-302.


Steven Stack and Liqun Cao. (2020). Social integration and Indigenous suicidality. 24: pp. 86-101.


Stefan Stefa-Missagli and Human-Friedrich Unterrainer and Giancarlo Giupponi and Sandra-Johanna Holasek and Hans-Peter Kapfhammer and Andreas Conca and Michela Sarlo and Denise Erbuto and Elena Rogante and Heidrun Moujaes-Droescher and Katrin Davok and Isabella Berardelli and Karolina Krysinska and Karl Andriessen and David Lester and Maurizio Pompili. (2020). Suicide and personality traits: A multicenter study of Austrian and Italian psychiatric patients and students. 50: (1) pp. 220-232.


Kate L Stewart and Ellen V Darling and Shirley Yen and Barbara Stanley and Gregory K Brown and Lauren M Weinstock. (2020). Dissemination of the safety planning intervention (SPI) to university counseling center clinicians to reduce suicide risk among college students. 24: pp. 75-85.


Peter James Taylor and Katie Dhingra and Joanne M Dickson and Elizabeth {McDermott}. (2020). Psychological correlates of self-harm within gay, lesbian and bisexual UK university students. 24: pp. 41-56.


Matthew A Timmins and Mitchell E Berman and Michael R Nadorff and Suzanne C Amadi and Jennifer R Fanning and Michael S {McCloskey}. (2020). Does state dissociation mediate the relation between alcohol intoxication and deliberate self-harm?. 24: pp. 231-242.


Lay San Too and Anna Ross and Jane Pirkis and Nicola Reavley and Lennart Reifels. (2020). The impact of the “Pause. Call. Be Heard” campaign on help-seeking and suicidal behaviors within rail environment in Victoria, Australia. 50: (2) pp. 490-501.


Brian Mishara and Luc Dargis. (2019). Systematic comparison of recommendations for safe messaging about suicide in public communications. 244: pp. 124-154.


Y Levi-Belz and T Gavish-Marom and S Barzilay and A Apter and V Carli and C Hoven and M Sarchiapone and D Wasserman. (2019). Psychosocial factors correlated with undisclosed suicide attempts to significant others: Findings from the adolescence SEYLE study. 49: (3) pp. 759-773.


Elizabeth A Velkoff and April R Smith. (2019). Examining patterns of change in the acquired capability for suicide among eating disorder patients. 49: (4) pp. 1032-1043.


Sarah E Victor and Lori N Scott and Stephanie D Stepp and Tina R Goldstein. (2019). I want you to want me: Interpersonal stress and affective experiences as within-person predictors of nonsuicidal self-injury and suicide urges in daily life. 49: (4) pp. 1157-1177.


Pedro Villanueva and Alfonso Arteaga and Javier Fernández-Montalvo. (2019). Gender differences in risk factors related to suicidal ideation among callers to telephone helplines in Spain. 23: (4) pp. 605-615.


Yitzchok D Wagshul. (2019). Effect of external locus‐of‐hope on acquired capability for suicide. 49: (6) pp. 1541-1551.


Sydney N Waitz‐Kudla and Samantha E Daruwala and Claire Houtsma and Michael D Anestis. (2019). Help‐seeking behavior in socially conservative and Christian suicide decedents. 49: (6) pp. 1513-1522.


Geoffrey Gauvin and Réal Labelle and Marc Daigle and Jean-Jacques Breton and Janie Houle. (2019). Coping, social support, and suicide attempts among homeless adolescents. 40: Crisis: (6) pp. 390-399.


Gerd-Dieter Willmund and Julius Heß and Christian Helms and Florian Wertenauer and Anja Seiffert and Almut Nolte and Ulrich Wesemann and Peter L Zimmermann. (2019). Suicides between 2010 and 2014 in the German Armed Forces—comparison of suicide registry data and a German Armed Forces survey. 49: (5) pp. 1497-1509.


C S Aiken and B M Wagner and J Benjamin Hinnant. (2019). Observed interactions in families of adolescent suicide attempters. 49: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (1) pp. 104-119.


Andrew J Wrath and Camelia G Adams. (2019). Self-injurious behaviors and adult attachment: A review of the literature. 23: (4) pp. 527-550.


Alessandra Xavier and Patricia Otero and Vanessa Blanco and Fernando L Vázquez. (2019). Efficacy of a problem‐solving intervention for the indicated prevention of suicidal risk in young Brazilians: Randomized controlled trial. 49: (6) pp. 1746-1761.


Li Yang and Xinchun Liu and Wei Chen and Ling Li. (2019). A test of the Three-Step Theory of suicide among Chinese people: A study based on the ideation-to-action framework. 23: (4) pp. 648-661.


M D Anestis and R S Mohn and J W Dorminey and B A Green. (2019). Detecting potential underreporting of suicide ideation among UṠ. military personnel. 49: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (1) pp. 210-220.


Florian Arendt. (2019). Suicide on Instagram—Content analysis of a German suicide-related hashtag. 40: Crisis: (1) pp. 36-41.


Zimri S Yaseen and Mariah Hawes and Shira Barzilay and Igor Galynker. (2019). Predictive validity of proposed diagnostic criteria for the suicide crisis syndrome: An acute presuicidal state. 49: (4) pp. 1124-1135.


Sarah A Arias and Edwin D Boudreaux and Elizabeth Chen and Ivan Miller and Carlos A Camargo and Richard N Jones and Lisa Uebelacker. (2019). Which chart elements accurately identify emergency department visits for suicidal ideation or behavior?. 23: Archives of Suicide Research: (3) pp. 382-390.


Zimri S Yaseen and Nicolette Molina and Mariah Hawes and Shira Barzilay and Igor Galynker. (2019). Suicide risk and emotional responses to thoughts of death: The response to Morbid Ideations Questionnaire. 49: (5) pp. 1209-1219.


Shelly S Bakst and Yakir Berchenko and Tali Braun and Tamy Shohat. (2019). The effects of publicized suicide deaths on subsequent suicide counts in Israel. 23: Archives of Suicide Research: (3) pp. 440-454.


Bao-Liang Zhong and Sandra Sau Man Chan and Tie-Bang Liu and Helen Fung-Kum Chiu. (2019). Nonfatal suicidal behaviors of Chinese rural‐to‐urban migrant workers: Attitude toward suicide matters. 49: (5) pp. 1199-1208.


S Barzilay and Z S Yaseen and M Hawes and I Kopeykina and F Ardalan and P Rosenfield and J Murrough and I Galynker. (2019). Determinants and predictive value of clinician assessment of short-term suicide risk. 49: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (2) pp. 614-626.


M Bennardi and F F Caballero and M Miret and J L Ayuso-Mateos and J M Haro and E Lara and E Arensman and M Cabello. (2019). Longitudinal relationships between positive affect, loneliness, and suicide ideation: Age-specific factors in a general population. 49: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (1) pp. 90-103.


L P Bodell and Y Cheng and J E Wildes. (2019). Psychological impairment as a predictor of suicide ideation in individuals with anorexia nervosa. 49: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (2) pp. 520-528.


L A Bornheimer. (2019). Suicidal ideation in first-episode psychosis (FEP): Examination of symptoms of depression and psychosis among individuals in an early phase of treatment. 49: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (2) pp. 423-431.


L D Borruso and N A Buckley and K A Kirby and G Carter and J L Pilgrim and K M Chitty. (2019). Acute alcohol co-ingestion and hospital-treated deliberate self-poisoning: Is there an effect on subsequent self-harm?. 49: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (1) pp. 293-302.


C J Bryan. (2019). A preliminary validation study of two ultra-brief measures of suicide risk: The Suicide and Perceived Burdensomeness Visual Analog scales. 49: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (2) pp. 343-352.


J Cerel and M M Brown and M Maple and M Singleton and J van de Venne and M Moore and C Flaherty. (2019). How many people are exposed to suicide? Not six. 49: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (2) pp. 529-534.


Cécile Bardon and Brian L Mishara and Angelo Soares. (2019). Assessment of Various Critical Incident Management and Support Protocols for Railway Employees After a Serious Incident. pp. 107 p..


J I Chen and G L Mastarone and L M Denneson. (2019). It's not easy--Impact of suicide prevention research on study staff. 40: Crisis: (3) pp. 151-156.


Megan Chesin and Michele Cascardi. (2019). Cognitive-affective correlates of suicide ideation and attempt: Mindfulness is negatively associated with suicide attempt history but not state suicidality. 23: Archives of Suicide Research: (3) pp. 428-439.


Barbara Ivana Lantier. (2019). Suicide des externes, internes, docteurs en médecine, en France, entre 2007 et 2017 : un gradient nord-sud ?.


Namkee G Choi and Diana M DiNitto and C Nathan Marti. (2019). Differences in firearm suicides by residential location in Texas, 2006–2015. 23: Archives of Suicide Research: (3) pp. 491-506.


Sruthi Chunduri and Sabrina Browne and David E Pollio and Barry A Hong and Writtika Roy and Kimberly Roaten and Fuad Khan and Carol S North. (2019). Suicide risk assessment and management in the psychiatry emergency service: Psychiatric provider experience and perceptions. 23: Archives of Suicide Research: (1) pp. 1-14.


Sally Spencer-Thomas. (2019). A Report of Findings to Direct the Development of National Guidelines for Workplace Suicide Prevention. pp. 88 p..


L J Cohen and B Gorman and J Briggs and M E Jeon and T Ginsburg and I Galynker. (2019). The suicidal narrative and its relationship to the suicide crisis syndrome and recent suicidal behavior. 49: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (2) pp. 413-422.


Susanne Condron and Lucas Godoy Garraza and Nora Kuiper and Bhuvana Sukumar and Christine Walrath and Richard McKeon. (2019). Comparing the effectiveness of brief versus in-depth gatekeeper training on behavioral outcomes for trainees. 40: Crisis: (2) pp. 115-124.


K R Conner and J A Bridge and D J Davidson and C Pilcher and D A Brent. (2019). Metaanalysis of mood and substance use disorders in proximal risk for suicide deaths. 49: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (1) pp. 278-292.


D J Corbitt-Hall and J M Gauthier and W Troop-Gordon. (2019). Suicidality disclosed online: Using a simulated Facebook task to identify predictors of support giving to friends at risk of self-harm. 49: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (2) pp. 598-613.


S Darke and S Kaye and J Duflou and J Lappin. (2019). Completed suicide among methamphetamine users: A national study. 49: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (1) pp. 328-337.


Christopher R DeCou and Stephanie P Kaplan and Julie Spencer and Shannon M Lynch. (2019). Trauma-related shame, sexual assault severity, thwarted belongingness, and perceived burdensomeness among female undergraduate survivors of sexual assault. 40: Crisis: (2) pp. 134-140.


Lauren M Denneson and Derek J Smolenski and Brian W Bauer and Steven K Dobscha and Nigel E Bush. (2019). The mediating role of coping self-efficacy in Hope Box use and suicidal ideation severity. 23: Archives of Suicide Research: (2) pp. 234-246.


K Dhingra and E D Klonsky and V Tapola. (2019). An empirical test of the three-step theory of suicide in U.K. university students. 49: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (2) pp. 478-487.


Christopher W Drapeau and Jennifer D Lockman and Melinda M Moore and Julie Cerel. (2019). Predictors of posttraumatic growth in adults bereaved by suicide. 40: Crisis: (3) pp. 196-202.


Erinn Bernstein Duprey and Assaf Oshri and Sihong Liu. (2019). Childhood maltreatment, self-esteem, and suicidal ideation in a low-ses emerging adult sample: The moderating role of heart rate variability. 23: Archives of Suicide Research: (2) pp. 333-352.


Chelsea Farrell and Gregory M Zimmerman. (2019). Violent lives: Pathways linking exposure to violence to suicidal behavior in a national sample. 23: Archives of Suicide Research: (1) pp. 100-121.


Louis Favril and Ciska Wittouck and Kurt Audenaert and Freya Vander Laenen. (2019). A 17-year national study of prison suicides in Belgium. 40: Crisis: (1) pp. 42-53.


William Feigelman and Julie Cerel and John L McIntosh and David Brent and Nina Gutin. (2019). Suicide bereavement and differences in religiosity: Much ado about sex. 40: Crisis: (3) pp. 176-185.


William Feigelman and John McIntosh and Julie Cerel and David Brent and Nina J Gutin. (2019). Identifying the social demographic correlates of suicide bereavement. 23: Archives of Suicide Research: (2) pp. 273-288.


Monika Ferguson and James Dollman and Martin Jones and Kathryn Cronin and Lynne James and Lee Martinez and Nicholas Procter. (2019). Suicide prevention training – improving the attitudes and confidence of rural Australian health and human service professionals. 40: Crisis: (1) pp. 15-26.


Matthew C Genuchi. (2019). The role of masculinity and depressive symptoms in predicting suicidal ideation in homeless men. 23: Archives of Suicide Research: (2) pp. 289-311.


D A Goebert and F Hamagami and E S Hishinuma and J J Chung-Do and J J Sugimoto-Matsuda. (2019). Change pathways in indigenous and nonindigenous youth suicide. 49: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (1) pp. 193-209.


Jeremy T Goldbach and Harmony Rhoades and Daniel Green and Anthony Fulginiti and Michael P Marshal. (2019). Is there a need for LGBT-specific suicide crisis services?. 40: Crisis: (3) pp. 203-208.


B Goodfellow and K Kolves and D de Leo. (2019). Contemporary definitions of suicidal behavior: A systematic literature review. 49: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (2) pp. 488-504.


J Griffith. (2019). The sexual harassment-suicide connection in the UṠ. military: Contextual effects of hostile work environment and trusted unit leaders. 49: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (1) pp. 41-53.


A Hains and A Janackovski and F P Deane and K Rankin. (2019). Perceived burdensomeness predicts outcomes of short-term psychological treatment of young people at risk of suicide. 49: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (2) pp. 586-597.


R B Hangartner and C M W Totura and C D Labouliere and K Gryglewicz and M S Karver. (2019). Benchmarking the "Question, Persuade, Refer" program against evaluations of established suicide prevention gatekeeper trainings. 49: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (2) pp. 353-370.


Penelope Hasking and Mark E Boyes and Amy Finlay-Jones and Peter M McEvoy and Clare S Rees. (2019). Common pathways to nssi and suicide ideation: The roles of rumination and self-compassion. 23: Archives of Suicide Research: (2) pp. 247-260.


Jessica A Heerde and Sheryl A Hemphill. (2019). Are bullying perpetration and victimization associated with adolescent deliberate self-harm? A meta-analysis. 23: Archives of Suicide Research: (3) pp. 353-381.


R M Hill and F Penner and S Vanwoerden and W Mellick and I Kazimi and C Sharp. (2019). Interpersonal trust and suicide ideation among adolescent psychiatric inpatients: An indirect effect via perceived burdensomeness. 49: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (1) pp. 240-252.


K D Hochard and S Ashcroft and J Carroll and N Heym and E Townsend. (2019). Exploring thematic nightmare content and associated self-harm risk. 49: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (1) pp. 64-75.


S E Hudiburgh and A M Shaw and K A Arditte Hall and K R Timpano. (2019). Anxiety sensitivity differentially predicts factors of interpersonal-psychological suicide risk: A consideration of specificity. 49: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (1) pp. 264-277.


G Hurtado and J D Hovey and A R Dueweke. (2019). Examining proximal risk factors for suicide in a sample of Mexican adults in rehabilitation centers. 49: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (1) pp. 183-192.


Daisung Jang and Hillary Anger Elfenbein. (2019). Menstrual cycle effects on mental health outcomes: A meta-analysis. 23: Archives of Suicide Research: (2) pp. 312-332.


Lora L Johnson and Stephen S O’Connor and Barbara Kaminer and Peter M Gutierrez and Erin Carney and Brittany Groh and David A Jobes. (2019). Evaluation of structured assessment and mediating factors of suicide-focused group therapy for veterans recently discharged from inpatient psychiatry. 23: Archives of Suicide Research: (1) pp. 15-33.


M Jongkind and B van den Brink and H Schaap-Jonker and N van der Velde and A W Braam. (2019). Dimensions of religion associated with suicide attempt and suicide ideation in depressed, religiously affiliated patients. 49: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (2) pp. 505-519.


Linda Sofia Jonsson and Carl Göran Svedin and Gisela Priebe and Cecilia Fredlund and Marie Wadsby and Maria Zetterqvist. (2019). Similarities and differences in the functions of nonsuicidal self-Injury (NSSI) and sex as self-injury (SASI). 49: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (1) pp. 120-136.


E Kim and S E Cho and K S Na and H Y Jung and K J Lee and S J Cho and D G Han. (2019). Blue Monday is real for suicide: A case-control study of 188,601 suicides. 49: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (2) pp. 393-400.


J Kim and K Pike and E McCauley and A Vander Stoep. (2019). Ethnic variations of trajectories in suicide ideation and attempt: From middle school to high school. 49: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (2) pp. 432-443.


Anastacia Y Kudinova and Terrence Deak and Molly M Deak and Brandon E Gibb. (2019). Circulating levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor and history of suicide attempts in women. 49: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (1) pp. 54-63.


Kevin S Kuehn and Annelise Wagner and Jennifer Velloza. (2019). Estimating the magnitude of the relation between bullying, e-bullying, and suicidal behaviors among United States youth, 2015. 40: Crisis: (3) pp. 157-165.


D A Lamis and S Kapoor and A P B Evans. (2019). Childhood sexual abuse and suicidal ideation among bipolar patients: Existential but not religious well-being as a protective factor. 49: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (2) pp. 401-412.


Sang-Uk Lee and Mina Jeon and Jong-Ik Park. (2019). A comparison of attitudes toward suicide among individuals with and without suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts in South Korea. 40: Crisis: (1) pp. 27-35.


René M Lento and Amanda Carson-Wong and Jonathan D Green and Christopher G AhnAllen and Phillip M Kleespies. (2019). Is suicidal behavior in mood disorders altered by comorbid PTSD?. 40: Crisis: (1) pp. 62-66.


Yossi Levi-Belz and Lilac Lev-Ari. (2019). Attachment styles and posttraumatic growth among suicide-loss survivors: The mediating role of interpersonal factors. 40: Crisis: (3) pp. 186-195.


Tsung-Jen Lin and Huei-Chen Ko and Jo Yung-Wei Wu and Tian Po Oei and Hsien-Yuan Lane and Chung-Hey Chen. (2019). The effectiveness of dialectical behavior therapy skills training group vs. cognitive therapy group on reducing depression and suicide attempts for borderline personality disorder in Taiwan. 23: Archives of Suicide Research: (1) pp. 82-99.


J S Ma and P J Batterham and A L Calear and J Han. (2019). Suicide risk across latent class subgroups: A test of the generalizability of the Interpersonal Psychological Theory of Suicide. 49: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (1) pp. 137-154.


John J Mann and Allison V Metts and Todd R Ogden and Chester A Mathis and Harry Rubin-Falcone and Zhiqun Gong and Wayne C Drevets and Jamie Zelazny and David A Brent. (2019). Quantification of 5-HT$_textrm1A$ and 5-HT$_textrm2A$ receptor binding in depressed suicide attempters and non-attempters. 23: Archives of Suicide Research: (1) pp. 122-133.


Kirstie McClatchey and Jennifer Murray and Zoë Chouliara and Anne Rowat. (2019). Protective factors of suicide and suicidal behavior relevant to emergency healthcare settings: A systematic review and narrative synthesis of post-2007 reviews. 23: Archives of Suicide Research: (3) pp. 411-427.


E H Mereish and J R Peters and S Yen. (2019). Minority stress and relational mechanisms of suicide among sexual minorities: Subgroup differences in the associations between heterosexist victimization, shame, rejection sensitivity, and suicide risk. 49: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (2) pp. 547-560.


Alexandre Mikhail and Omaid Tanoli and Gilles Légaré and Pierre-André Dubé and Youssef Habel and Alain Lesage and Nancy C P Low and Suzanne Lamarre and Santokh Singh and Elham Rahme. (2019). Over-the-counter drugs and other substances used in attempted suicide presented to emergency departments in Montreal, Canada: A cross-sectional study. 40: Crisis: (3) pp. 166-175.


Alexander J Millner and Tara M Augenstein and Katherine H Visser and Katie Gallagher and Genesis A Vergara and Eugene J D’Angelo and K Nock. (2019). Implicit cognitions as a behavioral marker of suicide attempts in adolescents. 23: Archives of Suicide Research: (1) pp. 47-63.


A J Millner and R J Ursano and I Hwang and King J A and J A Naifeh and N A Sampson and A M Zaslavsky and M B Stein and R C Kessler and M K Nock. (2019). Prior mental disorders and lifetime suicidal behaviors among US Army soldiers in the Army Study to Assess Risk and Resilience in Servicemembers (Army STARRS). 49: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (1) pp. 3-22.


S Mintz and E Jamison and K Bol. (2019). Suicide among health care practitioners and technicians in Colorado: An epidemiological study. 49: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (2) pp. 455-465.


Ferenc Moksony and Rita Hegedűs. (2019). Religion and suicide: How culture modifies the effect of social integration. 23: Archives of Suicide Research: (1) pp. 151-162.


Joseph H Obegi. (2019). Rethinking suicidal behavior disorder. 40: Crisis: (3) pp. 209-219.


Kyna Pak and Kelly E Ferreira and Marjan Ghahramanlou-Holloway. (2019). Suicide postvention for the United States Military: Literature review, conceptual model, and recommendations. 23: Archives of Suicide Research: (2) pp. 179-202.


Anna Palmer and Marshall E Cates and Greg Gorman. (2019). The association between lithium in drinking water and incidence of suicide across 15 Alabama counties. 40: Crisis: (2) pp. 93-99.


Elise Paul and Ana Ortin. (2019). Correlates of suicidal ideation and self-harm in early childhood in a cohort at-risk for child abuse and neglect. 23: Archives of Suicide Research: (1) pp. 134-150.


Amanda E Perry and Simon Gilbody. (2019). Commentary on: Suicide screening tools for use with incarcerated offenders. 23: Archives of Suicide Research: (3) pp. 523-525.


J R Peters and E H Mereish and J B Solomon and A S Spirito and S Yen. (2019). Suicide ideation in adolescents following inpatient hospitalization: Examination of intensity and lability over 6 months. 49: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (2) pp. 572-585.


Stephen Platt and Ella Arensman and Mohsen Rezaeian. (2019). National suicide prevention strategies – Progress and challenges. 40: Crisis: (2) pp. 75-82.


E K Poindexter and S Nazem and S M Barnes and T A Hostetter and P N Smith. (2019). Veteran participation in intensive suicide research protocols: No evidence of iatrogenic effects. 49: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (1) pp. 303-309.


Ahmed A L Abdel Hamid and Mohamed Nasreldin and Sherif M Gohar and Alia A Saleh and Mennat-Allah Tarek. (2019). Sexual and religious obsessions in relation to suicidal ideation in bipolar disorder. 49: (6) pp. 1552-1559.


J A Poon and J C Thompson and E E Forbes and T M Chaplin. (2019). Adolescents' reward-related neural activation: Links to thoughts of nonsuicidal self-injury. 49: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (1) pp. 76-89.


Yaxuan Ren and Jianing You and Xu Zhang and Jiyi Huang and Bradley T Conner and Rui Sun and Sian Xu and Min-Pei Lin. (2019). Differentiating suicide attempters from suicide ideators: The role of capability for suicide. 23: Archives of Suicide Research: (1) pp. 64-81.


Kelsie Adkisson and Katherine C Cunningham and Eric A Dedert and Michelle F Dennis and Patrick S Calhoun and Eric B Elbogen and Jean C Beckham and Nathan A Kimbrel. (2019). Cannabis use disorder and post-deployment suicide attempts in Iraq/Afghanistan-era veterans. 23: (4) pp. 678-687.


J A Reyes-Portillo and A M Lake and M Kleinman and M S Gould. (2019). The relation between descriptive norms, suicide ideation, and suicide attempts among adolescents. 49: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (2) pp. 535-546.


J Ahn and J H Lee and Y C Jung. (2019). Predictors of suicide attempts in individuals with eating disorders. 49: (3) pp. 789-797.


Jazmin A Reyes-Portillo and Eleanor L McGlinchey and Josefina Toso-Salman and Erica M Chin and Prudence W Fisher and Laura Mufson. (2019). Clinician experience and attitudes toward safety planning with adolescents at risk for suicide. 23: Archives of Suicide Research: (2) pp. 222-233.


N P Allan and D F Gros and C L Lancaster and K G Saulnier and T Stecker. (2019). Heterogeneity in short-term suicidal ideation trajectories: Predictors of and projections to suicidal behavior. 49: (3) pp. 826-837.


Katharine A Rimes and Sandhya Shivakumar and Greg Ussher and Dan Baker and Qazi Rahman and Elizabeth West. (2019). Psychosocial factors associated with suicide attempts, ideation, and future risk in lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth: The Youth Chances study. 40: Crisis: (2) pp. 83-92.


Karl Roberts and Matt Miller and Deborah Azrael. (2019). Honor related suicide in the United States: A study of National Violent Death Reporting System (NVDRS) data. 23: Archives of Suicide Research: (1) pp. 34-46.


Michael D Anestis and Samantha Daruwala and Daniel W Capron. (2019). Firearm ownership, means safety, and suicidality. 49: (4) pp. 1044-1057.


Michelle E Roley-Roberts and Ryan M Hill and Christopher M Layne and Hayley Goldenthal and Julie B Kaplow. (2019). Cause of caregiver death and surviving caregiver coping style predict thwarted belongingness in bereaved youth. 23: Archives of Suicide Research: (3) pp. 455-470.


Michael D Anestis and Matthew T Tull and Sarah E Butterworth and Julia R Richmond and Claire Houtsma and Courtney N Forbes and Kim L Gratz. (2019). The role of opioid use in distinguishing between suicidal ideation and attempts. 49: (6) pp. 1680-1692.


Jonathan Scourfield and Gualtiero Colombo and Pete Burnap and Rhiannon Evans and Nina Jacob and Matthew Williams and Sarah Caul. (2019). The number and characteristics of newspaper and twitter reports on suicides and road traffic deaths in young people. 23: Archives of Suicide Research: (3) pp. 507-522.


Desiree M Seponski and Charity M Somo and Sovandara Kao and Cindy J Lahar and Sareth Khann and Tanja Schunert. (2019). Family, health, and poverty factors impacting suicide attempts in Cambodian women: A qualitative analysis from a randomly selected national sample. 40: Crisis: (2) pp. 141-145.


A R Smith and E A Velkoff and J D Ribeiro and J Franklin. (2019). Are eating disorders and related symptoms risk factors for suicidal thoughts and behaviors? A meta-analysis. 49: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (1) pp. 221-239.


Margaret M Baer and Jessica M {LaCroix} and Joy C Browne and Helena O Hassen and Kanchana U Perera and Jennifer Weaver and Alyssa Soumoff and Marjan Ghahramanlou‐Holloway. (2019). Lack of emotional awareness is associated with thwarted belongingness and acquired capability for suicide in a military psychiatric inpatient sample. 49: (5) pp. 1395-1411.


Kelly A Soberay and Jetta E Hanson and Megan Dwyer and Ashby E Plant and Peter M Gutierrez. (2019). The relationship between suicidal responses and traumatic brain injury and severe insomnia in active duty, veteran, and civilian populations. 23: Archives of Suicide Research: (3) pp. 391-410.


Jane Brandt Sørensen and Melissa Pearson and Martin Wolf Andersen and Manjula Weerasinghe and Manjula Rathnaweera and Chathumini D G Rathnapala and Michael Eddleston and Flemming Konradsen. (2019). Self-harm and suicide coverage in Sri Lankan newspapers: An analysis of the compliance with recommended guidelines. 40: Crisis: (1) pp. 54-61.


Elizabeth D Ballard and Jessica L Reed and Joanna Szczepanik and Jennifer W Evans and Julia S Yarrington and Daniel P Dickstein and Matthew K Nock and Allison C Nugent and Carlos A Zarate. (2019). Functional imaging of the implicit association of the self with life and death. 49: (6) pp. 1600-1608.


S Stack and F Laubepin. (2019). Religiousness as a predictor of suicide: An analysis of 162 European regions. 49: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (2) pp. 371-381.


Sean M Barnes and Lindsey L Monteith and Jeri E Forster and Sarra Nazem and Lauren M Borges and Kelly A Stearns‐Yoder and Nazanin H Bahraini. (2019). Developing predictive models to enhance clinician prediction of suicide attempts among veterans with and without PTSD. 49: (4) pp. 1094-1104.


A R Start and Y Allard and A Adler and R Toblin. (2019). Predicting suicide ideation in the military: The independent role of aggression. 49: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (2) pp. 444-454.


Philip J Batterham and Jin Han and Alison L Calear and Josephine Anderson and Helen Christensen. (2019). Suicide stigma and suicide literacy in a clinical sample. 49: (4) pp. 1136-1147.


M P Battin. (2019). Development of the AAS statement on "Suicide" and "Physician aid in dying". 49: (3) pp. 774-776.


Brian W Bauer and Rachel L Martin and Nicholas P Allan and Erin L Fink‐Miller and Daniel W Capron. (2019). An investigation into the acquired capability for suicide. 49: (4) pp. 1105-1118.


Lindsay A Taliaferro and Barbara J McMorris and Nicole G Rider and Marla E Eisenberg. (2019). Risk and protective factors for self-harm in a population-based sample of transgender youth. 23: Archives of Suicide Research: (2) pp. 203-221.


Gideon Becker and Israel Orbach and Mario Mikulincer and Maya Iohan and Eva Gilboa‐Schechtman and Ariella Grossman‐Giron. (2019). Reexamining the mental pain–suicidality link in adolescence: The role of tolerance for mental pain. 49: (4) pp. 1072-1084.


Niu Tian and Matthew Zack and Katherine A Fowler and Dale C Hesdorffor. (2019). Suicide Timing in 18 States of the United States from 2003–2014. 23: Archives of Suicide Research: (2) pp. 261-272.


Benedikt Till and Michael Fraissler and Martin Voracek and Ulrich S Tran and Thomas Niederkrotenthaler. (2019). Associations between suicide risk factors and favorite songs: Content analysis and cross-sectional study. 40: Crisis: (1) pp. 7-14.


R K Blais and L L Monteith. (2019). Suicide ideation in female survivors of military sexual trauma: The trauma source matters. 49: (3) pp. 643-652.


M J Blasco and G Vilagut and J Almenara and M Roca and J A Piqueras and A Gabilondo and C Lagares and V Soto-Sanz and I Alayo and C G Forero and E Echeburua and M Gili and A I Cebria and R Bruffaerts and R P Auerbach and M K Nock and R C Kessler and J Alonso. (2019). Suicidal thoughts and behaviors: Prevalence and association with distal and proximal factors in Spanish university students. 49: (3) pp. 881-898.


L S Too and J Pirkis and A Milner and J Robinson and M J Spittal. (2019). Clusters of suicidal events among young people: Do clusters from one time period predict later clusters?. 49: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (2) pp. 561-571.


Adrian J Blow and Adam Farero and Dara Ganoczy and Heather Walters and Marcia Valenstein. (2019). Intimate relationships buffer suicidality in national guard service members: A longitudinal study. 49: (6) pp. 1523-1540.


R P Tucker and M J Tackett and D Glickman and M A Reger. (2019). Ethical and practical considerations in the use of a predictive model to trigger suicide prevention interventions in healthcare settings. 49: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (2) pp. 382-392.


Edwin D Boudreaux and Derek P De Beurs and Tam H Nguyen and Brianna L Haskins and Celine Larkin and Bruce Barton. (2019). Applying computer adaptive testing methods to suicide risk screening in the emergency department. 49: (4) pp. 917-927.


R P Tucker and R J Testa and M A Reger and T L Simpson and J C Shipherd and K Lehavot. (2019). Current and military-specific gender minority stress factors and their relationship with suicide ideation in transgender Veterans. 49: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (1) pp. 155-166.


Miriam Van den Nest and Benedikt Till and Thomas Niederkrotenthaler. (2019). Comparing indicators of suicidality among users in different types of nonprofessional suicide message boards: A linguistic analysis. 40: Crisis: (2) pp. 125-133.


A M Brausch and S E Woods. (2019). Emotion regulation deficits and nonsuicidal self-injury prospectively predict suicide ideation in adolescents. 49: (3) pp. 868-880.


P W Wang and N Y Ko and R C Hsiao and M H Chen and H C Lin and C F Yen. (2019). Suicidality among gay and bisexual men in Taiwan: Its relationships with sexuality and gender role characteristics, homophobic bullying victimization, and social support. 49: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (2) pp. 466-477.


Claire N Bryson and Robert J Cramer and Adam T Schmidt. (2019). Need for affect, Interpersonal Psychological Theory of Suicide, and suicide proneness. 23: (4) pp. 634-647.


K Wetherall and K A Robb and R C O'Connor. (2019). An examination of social comparison and suicide ideation through the lens of the integrated motivational-volitional model of suicidal behavior. 49: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (1) pp. 167-182.


T Bullman and A Schneiderman and J L Gradus. (2019). Relative importance of posttraumatic stress disorder and depression in predicting risk of suicide among a cohort of Vietnam veterans. 49: (3) pp. 838-845.


Lynn M Whitmore and Tyler C Smith. (2019). Isolating the association of sleep, depressive state, and other independent indicators for suicide ideation in United States teenagers. 23: Archives of Suicide Research: (3) pp. 471-490.


Katrina Witt and Jo Robinson. (2019). Sentinel surveillance for self-harm: Existing challenges and opportunities for the future. 40: Crisis: (1) pp. 1-6.


K L Wolfe and P A Nakonezny and V J Owen and K V Rial and A P Moorehead and B D Kennard and G J Emslie. (2019). Hopelessness as a predictor of suicide ideation in depressed male and female adolescent youth. 49: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (1) pp. 253-263.


Sarah E Butterworth and Michael D Anestis. (2019). Political beliefs, region of residence, and openness to firearm means safety measures to prevent suicide. 23: (4) pp. 616-633.


R Woodford and M J Spittal and A Milner and K McGill and N Kapur and J Pirkis and A Mitchell and G Carter. (2019). Accuracy of clinician predictions of future self-harm: A systematic review and meta-analysis of predictive studies. 49: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (1) pp. 23-40.


Jacob Young and Calan Savoy and Louis A Schmidt and Saroj Saigal and Michael H Boyle and Ryan J Van Lieshout. (2019). Adult mental health outcomes of preterm survivors experiencing suicidal ideation in adolescence. 23: Archives of Suicide Research: (1) pp. 163-174.


Apolinaras Zaborskis and Gabriela Ilionsky and Riki Tesler and Andreas Heinz. (2019). The association between cyberbullying, school bullying, and suicidality among adolescents: Findings from the cross-national study HBSC in Israel, Lithuania, and Luxembourg. 40: Crisis: (2) pp. 100-114.


R L Zelkowitz and D A Cole. (2019). Self-criticism as a transdiagnostic process in nonsuicidal self-injury and disordered eating: Systematic review and meta-analysis. 49: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (1) pp. 310-327.


M Canal-Rivero and J D Lopez-Morinigo and M L Barrigon and R Ayesa-Arriola and B Crespo-Facorro and M Ruiz-Veguilla and J E Obiols-Llandrich. (2019). Suicidal behavior and personality traits contribute to disability in first-episode psychosis: A 1-year follow-up study. 49: (3) pp. 798-810.


Matthew Cassels and Imke Baetens and Paul Wilkinson and Karel Hoppenbrouwers and Jan R Wiersema and Karla Van Leeuwen and Glenn Kiekens. (2019). Attachment and non-suicidal self-injury among young adolescents: The indirect role of behavioral problems. 23: (4) pp. 688-696.


Julie Cerel and Blake Jones and Melissa Brown and David A Weisenhorn and Kyra Patel. (2019). Suicide exposure in law enforcement officers. 49: (5) pp. 1281-1289.


S Cheref and D Talavera and R L Walker. (2019). Perceived discrimination and suicide ideation: Moderating roles of anxiety symptoms and ethnic identity among Asian American, African American, and Hispanic emerging adults. 49: (3) pp. 665-677.


G Gauvin. (2019). Facteurs de protection, tentatives de suicide et satisfaction de vie chez les jeunes en situation dítinérance.


{BongKyoo} Choi and Hi Gin Sung and Jin Hyun Nam and Ju-Young Shin. (2019). Zolpidem use and suicide death in South Korea: A population‐based case–control study. 49: (6) pp. 1653-1667.


Nathalie Maltais and Christine Genest and Caroline Larue. (2019). Quand la détresse émotionnelle se traduit par des idées ou comportements suicidaires : une revue exploratoire (Scoping Review) sur le risque suicidaire chez les moins de 12 ans. 67: Neuropsychiatrie de l’enfance et de l’adolescence: (7) pp. 219-229.


Eric Clapham and Robert Bodén and Lena Brandt and Erik G Jönsson and Shahram Bahmanyar and Anders Ekbom and Urban Ösby and Johan Reutfors. (2019). Suicide ideation and behavior as risk factors for subsequent suicide in schizophrenia: A nested case–control study. 49: (4) pp. 996-1005.


Daniel Coleman and Natasha Black and Jeffrey Ng and Emily Blumenthal. (2019). Kognito's avatar-based suicide prevention training for college students: Results of a randomized controlled trial and a naturalistic evaluation. 49: (6) pp. 1735-1745.


K J Coleman and E Johnson and B K Ahmedani and A Beck and R C Rossom and S M Shortreed and G E Simon. (2019). Predicting suicide attempts for racial and ethnic groups of patients during routine clinical care. 49: (3) pp. 724-734.


K R Conner and T J Wiegand and R Gorodetsky and R F Schult and K Kaukeinen. (2019). Poisoning severity associated with a range of medications in suicide attempts by ingestion. 49: (3) pp. 635-642.


William Coryell and Jess Fiedorowicz and David Solomon and Jean Endicott and Martin Keller. (2019). Anxiety symptom severity and long‐term risk for suicidal behavior in depressive disorders. 49: (6) pp. 1621-1629.


D B Courtney and S Duda and P Szatmari and J Henderson and K Bennett. (2019). Systematic review and quality appraisal of practice guidelines for self-harm in children and adolescents. 49: (3) pp. 707-723.


E A Crawford and T A Burke and D Siegel and S Jager-Hyman and L B Alloy and P C Kendall. (2019). Somatic symptoms of anxiety and suicide ideation among treatment-seeking youth with anxiety disorders. 49: (3) pp. 811-825.


A Daghigh and V Daghigh and M Niazi and M R Nadorff. (2019). The association between anhedonia, suicide ideation, and suicide attempts: A replication in a persian student sample. 49: (3) pp. 678-683.


Christopher R {DeCou} and Jin Wang and Fredrick P Rivara and Ali Rowhani‐Rahbar. (2019). Intentional injury and the risk of subsequent hospitalization for attempted suicide. 49: (4) pp. 1119-1123.


Matt Drabenstott. (2019). A matter of life and death: Integrating mattering into the interpersonal–psychological theory of suicide. 49: (4) pp. 1006-1018.


Michael Eaddy and Lucas Zullo and Sarah E Horton and Jennifer L Hughes and Betsy Kennard and Andrew Diederich and Graham J Emslie and Lisa Schuster and Sunita M Stewart. (2019). A theory‐driven investigation of the association between emotion dysregulation and suicide risk in a clinical adolescent sample. 49: (4) pp. 928-940.


Ana F El‐Behadli and Danette Beitra and Lucas Zullo and Hayden Mbroh and Sunita M Stewart. (2019). Measuring thwarted belongingness and perceived burdensomeness in clinically depressed and suicidal youth: Refinement and reduction of the interpersonal needs questionnaire. 49: (5) pp. 1463-1472.


Rahel Eynan and Ravi Shah and Marnin Jori Heisel and David Eden and Reuven Jhirad and Paul S Links. (2019). Last words: Are there differences in psychosocial and clinical antecedents among suicide decedents who leave E‐notes, paper notes, or no note?. 49: (5) pp. 1379-1394.


W Feigelman and R Sanford and J Cerel. (2019). Suicide notes: Assessing their impact on the bereaved. 49: (3) pp. 859-867.


Christopher J Ferguson. (2019). 13 reasons why not: A methodological and meta‐analytic review of evidence regarding suicide contagion by fictional media. 49: (4) pp. 1178-1186.


Simon B Goldberg and Raymond P Tucker and Maleeha Abbas and Megan E Schultz and Michele Hiserodt and Kathryn A Thomas and Michael D Anestis and Mary F Wyman. (2019). Firearm ownership and capability for suicide in post‐deployment National Guard service members. 49: (6) pp. 1668-1679.


Taylor Groth and Dana E Boccio. (2019). Psychologists’ willingness to provide services to individuals at risk of suicide. 49: (5) pp. 1241-1254.


Elizabeth D Handley and Tangeria R Adams and Jody Todd Manly and Dante Cicchetti and Sheree L Toth. (2019). Mother–daughter interpersonal processes underlying the association between child maltreatment and adolescent suicide ideation. 49: (5) pp. 1232-1240.


Mikael K Holma and Irina Holma and Mikko Ketokivi and Maria A Oquendo and Erkki Isometsä. (2019). The relationship between smoking and suicidal behavior in psychiatric patients with major depressive disorder. 23: (4) pp. 590-604.


Adam G Horwitz and Ewa K Czyz and Johnny Berona and Cheryl A King. (2019). Rumination, brooding, and reflection: Prospective associations with suicide ideation and suicide attempts. 49: (4) pp. 1085-1093.


Atshushi Ichimura and Koji Kato and Takayuki Taira and Hiroyuki Otsuka and Tomoko Seki and Yoshihide Nakagawa and Sadaki Inokuchi. (2019). Psychiatric hospitalization after emergency treatment for deliberate self-harm is associated with repeated deliberate self-harm. 23: (4) pp. 564-575.


Norman Jones and Marie-Louise Sharp and Ava Phillips and Sharon A M Stevelink. (2019). Suicidal ideation, suicidal attempts, and self‐harm in the UK Armed Forces. 49: (6) pp. 1762-1779.


Joshua T Jordan and Kristin W Samuelson and Quyen Q Tiet. (2019). Impulsivity, painful and provocative events, and suicide intent: Testing the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide. 49: (4) pp. 1187-1195.


Masoud Kamali and Erika F H Saunders and Shervin Assari and Kelly A Ryan and David F Marshall and Melvin G {McInnis}. (2019). Mood, dimensional personality, and suicidality in a longitudinal sample of patients with bipolar disorder and controls. 49: (5) pp. 1360-1378.


Aaron Min Kang. (2019). Substances involved in suicidal poisonings in the United States. 49: (5) pp. 1307-1317.


N Kang and J You and J Huang and Y Ren and M P Lin and S Xu. (2019). Understanding the pathways from depression to suicidal risk from the perspective of the interpersonal-psychological theory of suicide. 49: (3) pp. 684-694.


Kalman J Kaplan and Martin Harrow. (2019). Social status and suicidal activity among psychiatric patients: Moderating effects of gender, race and psychiatric diagnosis. 23: (4) pp. 662-677.


Cara Katz and Leslie E Roos and Yunqiao Wang and James Bolton and Stephen W Hwang and Laurence Y Katz and Jimmy Bourque and Carol E Adair and Julian M Somers and Jitender Sareen. (2019). Predictive validity of the MINI Suicidality Subscale for suicide attempts in a homeless population with mental illness. 49: (6) pp. 1630-1636.


Jennifer Krafft and Tish E Hicks and Sallie A Mack and Michael E Levin. (2019). Psychological inflexibility predicts suicidality over time in college students. 49: (5) pp. 1488-1496.


Nora Kuiper and David Goldston and Lucas Godoy Garraza and Christine Walrath and Madelyn Gould and Richard {McKeon}. (2019). Examining the unanticipated adverse consequences of youth suicide prevention strategies: A literature review with recommendations for prevention programs. 49: (4) pp. 952-965.


Ching-En Lin and Chi-Hsiang Chung and Li-Fen Chen and Wu-Chien Chien. (2019). Does compulsory admission prevent inpatient suicide among patients with schizophrenia? A nationwide cohort study in Taiwan. 49: (4) pp. 966-979.


Joseph E Logan and Allison Ertl and Robert Bossarte. (2019). Correlates of intimate partner homicide among male suicide decedents with known intimate partner problems. 49: (6) pp. 1693-1706.


Devon {LoParo} and Ivonne Andrea Florez and Nakia Valentine and Dorian A Lamis. (2019). Associations of suicide prevention trainings with practices and confidence among clinicians at community mental health centers. 49: (4) pp. 1148-1156.


Anita Lungu and Chelsey R Wilks and Trevor N Coyle and Marsha M Linehan. (2019). Assessing suicidal and nonsuicidal self‐injury via in‐depth interview or self‐report: Balancing assessment effort and results. 49: (5) pp. 1347-1359.


Jeffery S Martin and Laura A Novak and Kanchana Perera and Cara H Olsen and Michael T Kindt and Jessica M {LaCroix} and Layne Bennion and Su Yeon Lee‐Tauler and Marjan Ghahramanlou‐Holloway. (2019). Suicide typologies in the United States Air Force: A hierarchical cluster analysis. 49: (6) pp. 1707-1720.


Apolinaras Zaborskis and Gabriela Ilionsky and Riki Tesler and Andreas Heinz. (2019). The association between cyberbullying, school bullying, and suicidality among adolescents: Findings from the cross-national study HBSC in Israel, Lithuania, and Luxembourg. 40: Crisis: (2) pp. 100-114.


Katrina Witt and Jo Robinson. (2019). Sentinel surveillance for self-harm: Existing challenges and opportunities for the future. 40: Crisis: (1) pp. 1-6.


Rachel L Martin and Brian W Bauer and Kathleen L Ramsey and Bradley A Green and Daniel W Capron and Michael D Anestis. (2019). How distress tolerance mediates the relationship between posttraumatic stress disorder and the interpersonal theory of suicide constructs in a U.S. military sample. 49: (5) pp. 1318-1331.


Niu Tian and Matthew Zack and Katherine A Fowler and Dale C Hesdorffor. (2019). Suicide Timing in 18 States of the United States from 2003–2014. 23: Archives of Suicide Research: (2) pp. 261-272.


Gonzalo Martínez‐Alés and Eduardo Jiménez‐Sola and Eva Román‐Mazuecos and María Pilar Sánchez‐Castro and Consuelo Dios and Beatriz Rodríguez‐Vega and María Fe Bravo‐Ortiz. (2019). An emergency department‐initiated intervention to lower relapse risk after attempted suicide. 49: (6) pp. 1587-1599.


Bridget B Matarazzo and Gregory K Brown and Barbara Stanley and Jeri E Forster and Melodi Billera and Glenn W Currier and Marjan Ghahramanlou‐Holloway and Lisa A Brenner. (2019). Predictive validity of the Columbia‐Suicide Severity Rating Scale among a cohort of at‐risk veterans. 49: (5) pp. 1255-1265.


Jonathan Scourfield and Gualtiero Colombo and Pete Burnap and Rhiannon Evans and Nina Jacob and Matthew Williams and Sarah Caul. (2019). The number and characteristics of newspaper and twitter reports on suicides and road traffic deaths in young people. 23: Archives of Suicide Research: (3) pp. 507-522.


Anna Palmer and Marshall E Cates and Greg Gorman. (2019). The association between lithium in drinking water and incidence of suicide across 15 Alabama counties. 40: Crisis: (2) pp. 93-99.


G A Melvin and D Gresham and S Beaton and J Coles and B J Tonge and M S Gordon and B Stanley. (2019). Evaluating the feasibility and effectiveness of an Australian safety planning smartphone application: A pilot study within a tertiary mental health service. 49: (3) pp. 846-858.


Kyna Pak and Kelly E Ferreira and Marjan Ghahramanlou-Holloway. (2019). Suicide postvention for the United States Military: Literature review, conceptual model, and recommendations. 23: Archives of Suicide Research: (2) pp. 179-202.


Jennifer J Muehlenkamp and Sophia K Thoen. (2019). Short‐ and long‐term impact of an undergraduate suicidology course. 49: (6) pp. 1573-1586.


Tsung-Jen Lin and Huei-Chen Ko and Jo Yung-Wei Wu and Tian Po Oei and Hsien-Yuan Lane and Chung-Hey Chen. (2019). The effectiveness of dialectical behavior therapy skills training group vs. cognitive therapy group on reducing depression and suicide attempts for borderline personality disorder in Taiwan. 23: Archives of Suicide Research: (1) pp. 82-99.


Jennifer J Muehlenkamp and Nensi Xhunga and Amy M Brausch. (2019). Self-injury age of onset: A risk factor for NSSI severity and suicidal behavior. 23: (4) pp. 551-563.


Monika Ferguson and James Dollman and Martin Jones and Kathryn Cronin and Lynne James and Lee Martinez and Nicholas Procter. (2019). Suicide prevention training – improving the attitudes and confidence of rural Australian health and human service professionals. 40: Crisis: (1) pp. 15-26.


B Murphy and B Kennedy and C Martin and L Bugeja and M Willoughby and J E Ibrahim. (2019). Health and care related risk factors for suicide among nursing home residents: A data linkage study. 49: (3) pp. 695-706.


William Feigelman and Julie Cerel and John L McIntosh and David Brent and Nina Gutin. (2019). Suicide bereavement and differences in religiosity: Much ado about sex. 40: Crisis: (3) pp. 176-185.


Lauren M Denneson and Derek J Smolenski and Brian W Bauer and Steven K Dobscha and Nigel E Bush. (2019). The mediating role of coping self-efficacy in Hope Box use and suicidal ideation severity. 23: Archives of Suicide Research: (2) pp. 234-246.


Sruthi Chunduri and Sabrina Browne and David E Pollio and Barry A Hong and Writtika Roy and Kimberly Roaten and Fuad Khan and Carol S North. (2019). Suicide risk assessment and management in the psychiatry emergency service: Psychiatric provider experience and perceptions. 23: Archives of Suicide Research: (1) pp. 1-14.


Gerard Niveau and Estelle Frioud and Diego Aguiar and Patrick Ruch and Olivia Auckenthaler and Justin Baudraz and Tony Fracasso. (2019). Suicide notes: Their utility in understanding the motivations behind suicide and preventing future ones. 23: (4) pp. 576-589.


Shelly S Bakst and Yakir Berchenko and Tali Braun and Tamy Shohat. (2019). The effects of publicized suicide deaths on subsequent suicide counts in Israel. 23: Archives of Suicide Research: (3) pp. 440-454.


Julie O'Donnell and Joseph Logan and Robert Bossarte. (2019). Ten‐year trend and correlates of reported posttraumatic stress disorder among young male veteran suicide decedents—results from the National Violent Death Reporting System, 16 U.S. states, 2005–2014. 49: (5) pp. 1473-1487.


Florian Arendt. (2019). Suicide on Instagram—Content analysis of a German suicide-related hashtag. 40: Crisis: (1) pp. 36-41.


Mikayla C Pachkowski and Alexis M May and Michelle Tsai and David E Klonsky. (2019). A brief measure of unbearable psychache. 49: (6) pp. 1721-1734.


Colin Palmer and Charlotte Connor and Sunita Channa and Anna Lavis and Newman Leung and Nick Parsons and Max Birchwood. (2019). The development of first‐episode direct self‐injurious behavior and association with difficulties in emotional regulation in adolescence. 49: (5) pp. 1266-1280.


Y Park and H S Kim. (2019). Validation of the Korean version Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire. 49: (3) pp. 739-758.


Lorenzo Pelizza and Michele Poletti and Silvia Azzali and Federica Paterlini and Sara Garlassi and Ilaria Scazza and Luigi Rocco Chiri and Simona Pupo and Andrea Raballo. (2019). Suicidal thinking and behavior in adolescents at ultra‐high risk of psychosis: A two‐year longitudinal study. 49: (6) pp. 1637-1652.


Sandra Pérez and Montserrat Cañabate Ros and Jose Layron E Folgado and Jose H Marco. (2019). Non‐suicidal self‐injury differentiates suicide ideators and attempters and predicts future suicide attempts in patients with eating disorders. 49: (5) pp. 1220-1231.


Lindsay A Taliaferro and Barbara J McMorris and Nicole G Rider and Marla E Eisenberg. (2019). Risk and protective factors for self-harm in a population-based sample of transgender youth. 23: Archives of Suicide Research: (2) pp. 203-221.


C Ramsey and E Ennis and S O'Neill. (2019). Characteristics of Lifeline, crisis line, service users who have died by suicide. 49: (3) pp. 777-788.


Jason R Randall and Jitender Sareen and Dan Chateau and James M Bolton. (2019). Predicting future suicide: Clinician opinion versus a standardized assessment tool. 49: (4) pp. 941-951.


Mark A Reger and Heather M Gebhardt and Jacob M Lee and Brooke A Ammerman and Raymond P Tucker and Bridget B Matarazzo and Amanda E Wood and David A Ruskin. (2019). Veteran preferences for the Caring Contacts suicide prevention intervention. 49: (5) pp. 1439-1451.


Lennart Reifels and Brian L Mishara and Luc Dargis and Lakshmi Vijayakumar and Michael R Phillips and Jane Pirkis. (2019). Outcomes of community-based suicide prevention approaches that involve reducing access to pesticides: A systematic literature review. 49: (4) pp. 1019-1031.


Kym Riley and Suzanne {McLaren}. (2019). Relationship status and suicidal behavior in gay men: The role of thwarted belongingness and hope. 49: (5) pp. 1452-1462.


A R Robertson. (2019). Self-harm by sharp foreign body ingestion. 49: (3) pp. 735-738.


Kathryn M Roeder and David A Cole. (2019). Simultaneous longitudinal examination of hopelessness, thwarted belongingness, and perceived burdensomeness as predictors of suicide ideation. 49: (4) pp. 1058-1071.


Sasha M Rojas and Kayla D Skinner and Matthew T Feldner and Demian E Rodante and Soledad Puppo and Patricia Vidjen and Alicia Portela and Leandro N Grendas and Federico M Daray. (2019). Lethality of previous suicidal behavior among patients hospitalized for suicide risk predicts lethality of future suicide attempts. 49: (5) pp. 1431-1438.


M W Schreiner and B Klimes-Dougan and K R Cullen. (2019). Neural correlates of suicidality in adolescents with major depression: Resting-state functional connectivity of the precuneus and posterior cingulate cortex. 49: (3) pp. 899-913.


J A Simonetti and D Azrael and M Miller. (2019). Firearm storage practices and risk perceptions among a nationally representative sample of U.S. Veterans with and without self-harm risk factors. 49: (3) pp. 653-664.


Trine N Sindahl and Louis-Phillippe Côte and Luc Dargis and Brian L Mishara and Torben Bechmann Jensen. (2019). Texting for help: Processes and impact of text counseling with children and youth with suicide ideation. 49: (5) pp. 1412-1430.


Wei Song and Huanhuan Li and Ting Guo and Songyuan Jiang and Xiang Wang. (2019). Effect of affective reward on cognitive event‐related potentials and its relationship with psychological pain and suicide risk among patients with major depressive disorder. 49: (5) pp. 1290-1306.


Lena Spangenberg and Heide Glaesmer and Nina Hallensleben and Dajana Rath and Thomas Forkmann. (2019). (In)stability of capability for suicide in psychiatric inpatients: Longitudinal assessment using ecological momentary assessments. 49: (6) pp. 1560-1572.


Nicole Streeb and Kotaro Shoji and Charles C Benight. (2019). The capability for suicide in firefighters. 49: (4) pp. 980-995.


Alejandro Trujillo and Lauren N Forrest and Heather M Claypool and April R Smith. (2019). Assessing longitudinal relationships among thwarted belongingness, perceived burdensomeness, and eating disorder symptoms. 49: (6) pp. 1609-1620.


Brianna J Turner and Sebastian J Baglole and Alexander L Chapman and Kim L Gratz. (2019). Experiencing and resisting nonsuicidal self‐injury thoughts and urges in everyday life. 49: (5) pp. 1332-1346.


Kim St-Amant and Sylvie Lapierre and Maude Houle and Marie-Michelle Lacerte. (2018). Rejet de la religion et attitude à l'égard de léuthanasie chez les baby-boomers.


Emily A Boren and Johanna B Folk and Jennifer M Loya and June P Tangney and Sharen E Barboza and John S Wilson. (2018). The suicidal inmate: A comparison of inmates who attempt versus complete suicide. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (5) pp. 570-579.


John R Blosnich and Megan C Lytle and Robert W S Coulter and Darren L Whitfield. (2018). Suicide acceptability and sexual orientation: Results from the General Social Survey 2008–2014. 22: Archives of Suicide Research: (4) pp. 542-554.


Dominique Besnard. (2018). Ça c’est psy !. 137: VST - Vie sociale et traitements: (1) pp. 118-119.


Alan L Berman. (2018). Risk factors proximate to suicide and suicide risk assessment in the context of denied suicide ideation. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (3) pp. 340-352.


T Benson and C Corry and S O'Neill and S Murphy and B Bunting. (2018). Use of prescription medication by individuals who died by suicide in Northern Ireland. 22: Archives of Suicide Research: (1) pp. 139-152.


J Bell and K Mok and E Gardiner and J Pirkis. (2018). Suicide-related internet use among suicidal young people in the UK: Characteristics of users, effects of use, and barriers to offline help-seeking. 22: Archives of Suicide Research: (2) pp. 263-277.


Christopher M Bell and Josephine A Ridley and James C Overholser and Kevin Young and Alison Athey and Jennifer Lehmann and Kristie Phillips. (2018). The role of perceived burden and social support in suicide and depression. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (1) pp. 87-94.


Brian W Bauer and Daniel W Capron and Erin Ward-Ciesielski and Hanna C Gustafsson and Carol Doyle. (2018). Extracurricular activities are associated with lower suicidality through decreased thwarted belongingness in young adults. 22: Archives of Suicide Research: (4) pp. 665-678.


Philip J Batterham and Alison L Calear and Helen Christensen and Natacha Carragher and Matthew Sunderland. (2018). Independent effects of mental disorders on suicidal behavior in the community. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (5) pp. 512-521.


Robert Bastien and Isabelle Perreault. (2018). Le négatif et le positif. 137: VST - Vie sociale et traitements: (1) pp. 40-49.


Robert Bastien. (2018). L’autodestruction de mon père. Ce que le suicide dépose sur les proches. 137: VST - Vie sociale et traitements: (1) pp. 26-30.


Kristina Allen and Sidra Goldman‐Mellor. (2018). Neighborhood characteristics and adolescent suicidal behavior: Evidence from a population‐based study. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (6) pp. 677-689.


Margaret M Baer and Jessica M LaCroix and Joy C Browne and Helena O Hassen and Kanchana U Perera and Jennifer Weaver and Alyssa Soumoff and Marjan Ghahramanlou-Holloway. (2018). Non-suicidal self-injury elevates suicide risk among United States military personnel with lifetime attempted suicide. 22: Archives of Suicide Research: (3) pp. 453-464.


Michael D Anestis and Daniel W Capron. (2018). Deadly experience: The association between firing a gun and various aspects of suicide risk. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (6) pp. 699-708.


Suraj Arshanapally and Kimberly B Werner and Carolyn E Sartor and Kathleen K Bucholz. (2018). The association between racial discrimination and suicidality among African-American adolescents and young adults. 22: Archives of Suicide Research: (4) pp. 584-595.


Florian Arendt and Sebastian Scherr and Thomas Niederkrotenthaler and Sabrina Krallmann and Benedikt Till. (2018). Effects of awareness material on suicide-related knowledge and the intention to provide adequate help to suicidal individuals. 39: Crisis: (1) pp. 47-54.


Florian Arendt. (2018). Reporting on suicide between 1819 and 1944: Suicide rates, the press, and possible long-term Werther effects in Austria. 39: Crisis: (5) pp. 344-352.


Florian Arendt. (2018). Framing suicide – investigating the news media and public's use of the problematic suicide referents textitFreitod and textitSelbstmord in German-speaking countries. 39: Crisis: (1) pp. 70-73.


Aline Archimbaud and Marie-Anne Chapdeleine. (2018). Les suicides des jeunes Amérindiens en Guyane française. 37 propositions pour enrayer ces drames et créer les conditions d’un mieux-être. 137: VST - Vie sociale et traitements: (1) pp. 57-63.


Amanda N Barczyk and Karen Piper and Sarah V Duzinski and Mary Klingensmith and Karla A Lawson. (2018). Youth suicide attempt nomenclature used in two Central Texas hospitals: Insight for surveillance and research. 39: Crisis: (6) pp. 461-468.


Michael D Anestis and Claire Houtsma. (2018). The association between gun ownership and statewide overall suicide rates. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (2) pp. 204-217.


Karl Andriessen and Karolina Krysinska and Brian Draper and Michael Dudley and Philip B Mitchell. (2018). Harmful or helpful? A systematic review of how those bereaved through suicide experience research participation. 39: Crisis: (5) pp. 364-376.


Corina Benjet and David Menendez and Yesica Albor and Guilherme Borges and Ricardo Orozco and Maria Elena Medina‐Mora. (2018). Adolescent predictors of incidence and persistence of suicide‐related outcomes in young adulthood: A longitudinal study of Mexican youth. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (6) pp. 755-766.


H E Andrewes and C Hulbert and S M Cotton and J Betts and A M Chanen. (2018). Patterns of non-suicidal self-injury and their relationship with suicide attempts in youth with borderline personality disorder. 22: Archives of Suicide Research: (3) pp. 465-478.


N L Anderson and K E Smith and T B Mason and J H Crowther. (2018). Testing an integrative model of affect regulation and avoidance in non-suicidal self-injury and disordered eating. 22: Archives of Suicide Research: (2) pp. 295-310.


Brooke A Ammerman and Ross Jacobucci and Evan M Kleiman and Lauren L Uyeji and Michael S McCloskey. (2018). The relationship between nonsuicidal self-injury age of onset and severity of self-harm. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (1) pp. 31-37.


B A Ammerman and M E Berman and M S McCloskey. (2018). Assessing non-suicidal self-injury in the laboratory. 22: Archives of Suicide Research: (2) pp. 193-223.


M Adrian and Aaron R Lyon and Semret Nicodimos and Michael D Pullmann and Elizabeth McCauley. (2018). Enhanced "Train and Hope" for scalable, cost-effective professional development in youth suicide prevention. 39: Crisis: (4) pp. 235-246.


Jeffrey A Bridge and Mark Olfson and Cynthia A Fontanella and Steven C Marcus. (2018). Emergency department recognition of mental disorders and short-term risk of repeat self-harm among young people enrolled in Medicaid. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (6) pp. 652-660.


Ziad Abdeen and Anat Brunstein-Klomek and Ora Nakash and Nabil Shibli and Maayan Nagar and Hazem Agha and Sameh Hallaq and Yaniv Kanat-Maymon and Hendrik Juerges and Itzhak Levav and Radwan Qasrawi. (2018). The association between political violence and the connection between bullying and suicidality among Palestinian youth. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (1) pp. 94-104.


Dana Alonzo and Robin E Gearing. (2018). Suicide Assessment and Treatment: Empirical and Evidence-Based Practices.


Henna Budhwani and Kristine R Hearld and Adrienne N Milner and Rebecca Charow and Elaine M McGlaughlin and Mayra Rodriguez‐Lauzurique and Santo Rosario and Robert Paulino‐Ramirez. (2018). Transgender women's experiences with stigma, trauma, and attempted suicide in the Dominican Republic. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (6) pp. 788-796.


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Cécile Bardon and Brian L Mishara and Angelo Soares. (2018). Évaluation de différents protocoles de gestion d’incident et de soutien aux employés après un incident grave. pp. 115 p..


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Samantha A Chalker and Katherine Anne Comtois. (2018). Personal technology use and thwarted belongingness among suicidal activeduty military personnel. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (6) pp. 732-744.


J Bazinet and L Diaz and P B Lortie. (2018). Stratégie numérique sur la prévention du suicide au Québec: Portrait des pratiques actuelles et des besoins. Présenté à l'AQPS.. pp. 129 p..


Megan S Chesin and Beth S Brodsky and Brandon Beeler and Christopher A Benjamin-Phillips and Ida Taghavi and Barbara Stanley. (2018). Perceptions of adjunctive mindfulness-based cognitive therapy to prevent suicidal behavior among high suicide-risk outpatient participants. 39: Crisis: (6) pp. 451-460.


Caroline Daly and Carl-Maria Mörch and Olivia J Kirtley. (2018). Preventing suicide – What precedes us will propel us. 39: Crisis: (6) pp. 409-415.


Bryann B DeBeer and Eric C Meyer and Nathan A Kimbrel and Julie A Kittel and Suzy B Gulliver and Sandra B Morissette. (2018). Psychological inflexibility predicts of suicidal ideation over time in veterans of the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (6) pp. 627-641.


Sidra Goldman‐Mellor and Kristina Allen and Mark S Kaplan. (2018). Rural/urban disparities in adolescent nonfatal suicidal ideation and suicide attempt: A population‐based study. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (6) pp. 709-719.


Antoon A Leenaars and Gudrun Dieserud and Susanne Wenckstern and Kari Dyregrov and David Lester and Jennifer Lyke. (2018). A multidimensional theory of suicide: A psychological autopsy corroborative study. 39: Crisis: (6) pp. 416-427.


Yin-Ju Lien and Hsin-An Chang and Yu-Chen Kao and Nian-Sheng Tzeng and Chin-Bin Yeh and Ching-Hui Loh. (2018). Self‐stigma mediates the impact of insight on current suicide ideation in suicide attempters with schizophrenia: Results of a moderated mediation approach. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (6) pp. 661-676.


Jan K Mokkenstorm and Ad J F M Kerkhof and Johannes H Smit and Aartjan T F Beekman. (2018). Is it rational to pursue zero suicides among patients in health care?. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (6) pp. 745-754.


Angela Nicholas and Alyssia Rossetto and Anthony Jorm and Jane Pirkis and Nicola Reavley. (2018). Importance of messages for a suicide prevention media campaign: An expert consensus study. 39: Crisis: (6) pp. 438-450.


Prianka Padmanathan and Lucy Biddle and Robert Carroll and Jane Derges and John Potokar and David Gunnell. (2018). Suicide and self-harm related Internet use: A cross-sectional study and clinician focus groups. 39: Crisis: (6) pp. 469-478.


Barbara L Pitts and Julia M Whealin and Jackson Kato. (2018). Risk factors for suicidal behavior depend on age for veterans in the Pacific Islands. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (6) pp. 642-651.


Fiona L Shand and Philip J Batterham and Jade K Y Chan and Jane Pirkis and Matthew J Spittal and Alan Woodward and Helen Christensen. (2018). Experience of health care services after a suicide attempt: Results from an online survey. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (6) pp. 779-787.


Marnina Swartz-Vanetik and Mark Zeevin and Yoram Barak. (2018). Scope and characteristics of suicide attempts among manic patients with bipolar disorder. 39: Crisis: (6) pp. 489-492.


John Synnott and Maria Ioannou and Angela Coyne and Siobhan Hemingway. (2018). A content analysis of online suicide notes: Attempted suicide versus attempt resulting in suicide. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (6) pp. 767-778.


Benedikt Till and Teresa A Wild and Florian Arendt and Sebastian Scherr and Thomas Niederkrotenthaler. (2018). Associations of tabloid newspaper use with endorsement of suicide myths, suicide-related knowledge, and stigmatizing attitudes toward suicidal individuals. 39: Crisis: (6) pp. 428-437.


Jess Zonana and Jessica Simberlund and Paul Christos. (2018). The impact of safety plans in an outpatient clinic. 39: Crisis: (4) pp. 304-309.


Raymond P Tucker and LaRicka R Wingate and Melissa Burkley and Tony T Wells. (2018). Implicit association with suicide as measured by the Suicide Affect Misattribution Procedure (S-AMP) predicts suicide ideation. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (6) pp. 720-731.


Joah L Williams and Jasmine R Eddinger and Edward K Rynearson and Alyssa A Rheingold. (2018). Prevalence and correlates of suicidal ideation in a treatment-seeking sample of violent loss survivors. 39: Crisis: (5) pp. 377-385.


Caitlin L Williams and Tracy K Witte. (2018). Media reporting on suicide: Evaluating the effects of including preventative resources and psychoeducational information on suicide risk, attitudes, knowledge, and help-seeking behaviors. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (3) pp. 253-270.


Chelsey R Wilks and Trevor N Coyle and Maya Krek and Anita Lungu and Kohjiro Andriani. (2018). Suicide ideation and acceptability toward online help-seeking. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (4) pp. 379-385.


Manjula Weerasinghe and Flemming Konradsen and Michael Eddleston and Melissa Pearson and Shaluka Jayamanne and David Gunnell and Keith Hawton and Suneth Agampodi. (2018). Potential interventions for preventing pesticide self-poisoning by restricting access through vendors in Sri Lanka: A study of stakeholders' views. 39: Crisis: (6) pp. 479-488.


A Weeke and D Oberwittler. (2018). A comparison of note writers and no note writers in homicide-suicide cases in Germany. 22: Archives of Suicide Research: (1) pp. 11-19.


Sally M Weinstein and Rick A Cruz and Ashley R Isaia and Amy T Peters and Amy E West. (2018). Child‐ and family‐focused cognitive behavioral therapy for pediatric bipolar disorder: Applications for suicide prevention. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (6) pp. 797-811.


R L Walker and T Salami and S Carter and K C Flowers. (2018). Religious coping style and cultural worldview are associated with suicide ideation among African American adults. 22: Archives of Suicide Research: (1) pp. 106-117.


Kelly Wester and Heather Trepal and Kelly King. (2018). Nonsuicidal self-injury: Increased prevalence in engagement. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (6) pp. 690-698.


R Wadman and M Armstrong and D Clarke and C Harroe and P Majumder and K Sayal and P Vostanis and E Townsend. (2018). Experience of self-harm and its treatment in looked-after young people: An interpretative phenomenological analysis. 22: Archives of Suicide Research: (3) pp. 365-379.


Steven Vannoy and Mijung Park and Meredith R Maroney and Jürgen Unützer and Ester Carolina Apesoa-Varano and Ladson Hinton. (2018). The perspective of older men with depression on suicide and its prevention in primary care: Implications for primary care engagement strategies. 39: Crisis: (5) pp. 397-405.


Gilles Van Aertryck. (2018). J’ai décidé de mettre fin à ma vie (professionnelle). 137: VST - Vie sociale et traitements: (1) pp. 64-66.


Yohan Trichet. (2018). Les attentats-suicides terroristes : des meurtres de masse ?. Les fanatismes aujourd'hui. pp. 319-364.


L Tan and T Xia and C Reece. (2018). Social and individual risk factors for suicide ideation among Chinese children and adolescents: A multilevel analysis. 53: International Journal of Psychology: (2) pp. 117-125.


Tatiana Tairi and Petar Milojev and Nikos Zilikis. (2018). Clinical profiles among Greek adolescent suicide attempters: A latent class analysis. 39: Crisis: (5) pp. 335-343.


Maria Sundvall and David Titelman and Sofie Bäärnhielm. (2018). Challenges of combining perspectives: A qualitative study of the communication between female suicidal asylum seekers and mental health clinicians. 39: Crisis: (5) pp. 326-334.


Hajime Sueki and Jiro Ito. (2018). Appropriate targets for search advertising as part of online gatekeeping for suicide prevention. 39: Crisis: (3) pp. 197-204.


Niklaus Stulz and Urs Hepp and Dominic G Gosoniu and Leticia Grize and Flavio Muheim and Mitchell G Weiss and Anita Riecher-Rössler. (2018). Patient-identified priorities leading to attempted suicide. 39: Crisis: (1) pp. 37-46.


M Stenbacka and M Samuelsson and P Nordstrom and J Jokinen. (2018). Suicide risk in young men and women after substance intoxication. 22: Archives of Suicide Research: (2) pp. 254-262.


Barbara Stanley and Glenn W Currier and Megan Chesin and Sadia Chaudhury and Shari Jager-Hyman and Hanga Gafalvy and Gregory K Brown. (2018). Suicidal behavior and non-suicidal self-injury in emergency departments underestimated by administrative claims data. 39: Crisis: (5) pp. 318-325.


Steven Stack and Ian R H Rockett. (2018). Are suicide note writers representative of all suicides? Analysis of the national violent death reporting system. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (1) pp. 12-20.


Elizabeth G Spitzer and Kelly L Zuromski and Margaret T Davis and Tracy K Witte and Frank Weathers. (2018). Posttraumatic stress disorder symptom clusters and acquired capability for suicide: A reexamination using DSM-5 criteria. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (1) pp. 105-115.


Avigal Snir and Alan Apter and Shira Barzilay and Dana Feldman and Eshkol Rafaeli and Vladimir Carli and Camilla Wasserman and Gergö Hadlaczky and Christina W Hoven and Marco Sarchiapone and Danuta Wasserman. (2018). Explicit motives, antecedents, and consequences of direct self-injurious behaviors: A longitudinal study in a community sample of adolescents. 39: Crisis: (4) pp. 255-266.


M C Snijdewind and D G van Tol and B D Onwuteaka-Philipsen and D L Willems. (2018). Developments in the practice of physician-assisted dying: perceptions of physicians who had experience with complex cases. 44: Journal of Medical Ethics: (5) pp. 292-296.


Noelle B Smith and Lindsey L Monteith and David C Rozek and Alicia E Meuret. (2018). Childhood abuse, the interpersonal–psychological theory of suicide, and the mediating role of depression. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (5) pp. 559-569.


André Sirota and Camille Curbilié. (2018). Élaboration de violences agies ou subies en groupe de formation. Transfert et contre-transfert dans les groupes. 137: VST - Vie sociale et traitements: (1) pp. 105-117.


Leah Shelef and Anat Brunstein Klomek and Nirit Yavnai and Golan Shahar. (2018). Perceived stress and intent to die in young soldiers who attempt suicide. 39: Crisis: (2) pp. 144-148.


Annie Shearer and Jody Russon and Joanna Herres and Amanda Wong and Carrie Jacobs and Gary M Diamond and Guy S Diamond. (2018). Religion, sexual orientation, and suicide attempts among a sample of suicidal adolescents. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (4) pp. 431-437.


Jang-Won Seo and Seok-Man Kwon. (2018). Preliminary validation of a Korean version of the Acquired Capability for Suicide Scale-Fearlessness about Death. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (3) pp. 305-314.


Tatjana Schnell and Rebekka Gerstner and Henning Krampe. (2018). Crisis of meaning predicts suicidality in youth independently of depression. 39: Crisis: (4) pp. 294-303.


Dominique Sanlaville. (2018). Enveloppements humides. 137: VST - Vie sociale et traitements: (1) pp. 102-104.


Katrina A Rufino and Thomas E Ellis. (2018). Contributions of cognitions, psychological flexibility, and therapeutic alliance to suicidal ideation in psychiatric inpatients. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (3) pp. 271-280.


Philippe Roy and Gilles Tremblay and Émilie Duplessis-Brochu. (2018). Problematizing men's suicide, mental health, and well-being: 20 years of social work innovation in the province of Quebec, Canada. 39: Crisis: (2) pp. 137-143.


Jared F Roush and Sarah L Brown and Danielle R Jahn and Sean M Mitchell and Nathanael J Taylor and Paul Quinnett and Richard Ries. (2018). Mental health professionals' suicide risk assessment and management practices: The impact of fear of suicide-related outcomes and comfort working with suicidal individuals. 39: Crisis: (1) pp. 55-64.


M L Rogers and I H Stanley and M A Hom and B Chiurliza and M C Podlogar and T E Joiner. (2018). Conceptual and empirical scrutiny of covarying depression out of suicidal ideation. 25: Assessment: (2) pp. 159-172.


S Robertson and B Gough and E Hanna and G Raine and M Robinson and A Seims and A White. (2018). Successful mental health promotion with men: the evidence from 'tacit knowledge'. 33: Health Promot Int: (2) pp. 334-344.


J River. (2018). Diverse and dynamic interactions: A model of suicidal men's help seeking as it relates to health services. 2: American Journal of Men's Health: (1) pp. 150-159.


Fallon B Ringer and Michael D Anestis. (2018). Thwarted belongingness in relation to face-to-face and online interactions. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (4) pp. 468-480.


Laurent Rigaud. (2018). Discussion en terrasse. 137: VST - Vie sociale et traitements: (1) pp. 96-99.


Dan Reidenberg. (2018). Healthy debate, frustration, or a field in chaos?. 39: Crisis: (2) pp. 77-81.


Mark A Reger and Greg M Reger and Christina Krieg and Larry Pruitt and Derek J Smolenski and Nancy A Skopp and Nigel Bush. (2018). What's changed? A comparison of army suicide surveillance data to cases from 1975 to 1982. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (1) pp. 21-30.


M L Rasmussen and H Haavind and G Dieserud. (2018). Young men, masculinities, and suicide. 22: Archives of Suicide Research: (2) pp. 327-343.


Louis-Vincent Rail. (2018). La question du suicide dans la relation d’aide : un moment formateur pour l’intervenant ?. 137: VST - Vie sociale et traitements: (1) pp. 31-34.


Jacqueline Pistorello and David A Jobes and Scott N Compton and Nadia Samad Locey and Joseph C Walloch and Robert Gallop and Josephine S Au and Samantha K Noose and Maria Young and Jacquelyn Johnson and Yani Dickens and Patricia Chatham and Tami Jeffcoat and Georgia Dalto and Spondita Goswami. (2018). Developing adaptive treatment strategies to address suicidal risk in college students: A pilot Sequential, Multiple Assignment, Randomized Trial (SMART). 22: Archives of Suicide Research: (4) pp. 644-664.


Caroline Petit. (2018). Le chantier de Milin ar Vaou. 137: VST - Vie sociale et traitements: (1) pp. 9-12.


A Patel and C Watts and S Shiddell and K Couch and A M Smith and M J Moran and G P Conners. (2018). Universal adolescent suicide screening in a pediatric urgent care center. 22: Archives of Suicide Research: (1) pp. 118-127.


Rebecca Owen and Robert Dempsey and Steven Jones and Patricia Gooding. (2018). Defeat and entrapment in bipolar disorder: Exploring the relationship with suicidal ideation from a psychological theoretical perspective. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (1) pp. 116-128.


Masatsugu Orui and Yuriko Suzuki and Masaharu Maeda and Seiji Yasumura. (2018). Suicide rates in evacuation areas after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster: A 5-year follow-up study in Fukushima prefecture. 39: Crisis: (5) pp. 353-363.


Ana Ortin and Regina Miranda and Lillian Polanco-Roman and David Shaffer. (2018). Parent-adolescent acculturation gap and suicidal ideation among adolescents from an emergency department. 22: Archives of Suicide Research: (4) pp. 529-541.


Siobhan O'Neill and Edel Ennis and Danielle McFeeters and Lia Gallagher. (2018). Financial sector workers' experiences of managing suicidal clients. 39: Crisis: (3) pp. 159-165.


S O'Neill and E Ennis and C Corry and B Bunting. (2018). Factors associated with suicide in four age groups: A population based study. 22: Archives of Suicide Research: (1) pp. 128-138.


Charline Olivier. (2018). Suicide blonde. Derrière les murs : surveiller, punir, réinsérer ?. pp. 85-90.


Emma Nielsen and Ellen Townsend. (2018). Public perceptions of self-harm: Perceived motivations of (and willingness to help in response to) adolescent self-harm. 22: Archives of Suicide Research: (3) pp. 479-495.


Andrada D Neacsiu and Caitlin M Fang and Marcus Rodriguez and Zachary M Rosenthal. (2018). Suicidal behavior and problems with emotion regulation. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (1) pp. 52-74.


Brian Mishara and David N Weisstub. (2018). Is suicide prevention an absolute? Considerations when medical assistance in dying is an option. 39: Crisis: (5) pp. 313-317.


Alexander J Millner and Robert J Ursano and Irving Hwang and Andrew J King and James A Naifeh and Nancy A Sampson and Alan M Zaslavsky and Murray B Stein and Ronald C Kessler and Matthew K Nock and Starrs-L. Collaborators S the. (2018). Lifetime suicidal behaviors and career characteristics among UṠ. Army soldiers: Results from the Army Study to Assess Risk and Resilience in Servicemembers (Army STARRS). 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (2) pp. 230-250.


M S Michaels and T Balthrop and A Pulido and M D Rudd and T E Joiner. (2018). Is the higher number of suicide attempts in bipolar disorder vs. Major depressive disorder attributable to illness severity?. 22: Archives of Suicide Research: (1) pp. 46-56.


J L J Medrano and F Lopez Rosales and M Gamez-Guadix. (2018). Assessing the links of sexting, cybervictimization, depression, and suicidal ideation among university students. 22: Archives of Suicide Research: (1) pp. 153-164.


Kate McLean and Martin A Swanbrow Becker. (2018). Bridging the gap: Connecting resident assistants and suicidal residents through gatekeeper training. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (2) pp. 218-229.


J Matney and N J Westers and S E Horton and J D King and M Eaddy and G J Emslie and B D Kennard and S M Stewart. (2018). Frequency and methods of nonsuicidal self-injury in relation to acquired capability for suicide among adolescents. 22: Archives of Suicide Research: (1) pp. 91-105.


Amy Kranzler and Kara B Fehling and Janne Lindqvist and Julia Brillante and Fengpeng Yuan and Xianyi Gao and Alec L Miller and Edward A Selby. (2018). An ecological investigation of the emotional context surrounding nonsuicidal self-injurious thoughts and behaviors in adolescents and young adults. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (2) pp. 149-159.


Lisa Marzano and Lorna Fraser and Mia Scally and Stuart Farley and Keith Hawton. (2018). News coverage of suicidal behavior in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. 39: Crisis: (5) pp. 386-396.


Karl Kralovec and Sabine Kunrath and Clemens Fartacek and Eva-Maria Pichler and Martin Plöderl. (2018). The gender-specific associations between religion/spirituality and suicide risk in a sample of Austrian psychiatric inpatients. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (3) pp. 281-293.


E Marino and C Wolsko and S Keys and H Wilcox. (2018). Addressing the cultural challenges of firearm restriction in suicide prevention: A test of public health messaging to protect those at risk. 22: Archives of Suicide Research: (3) pp. 394-404.


Marek S Kopacz and Hugh F Crean and Crystal L. Park and Rani A Hoff. (2018). Religious coping and suicide risk in a sample of recently returned veterans. 22: Archives of Suicide Research: (4) pp. 615-627.


Myfanwy Maple and Tania Pearce and Rebecca Sanford and Julie Cerel and Dolores Angela Castelli Dransart and Karl Andriessen. (2018). A systematic mapping of suicide bereavement and postvention research and a proposed strategic research agenda. 39: Crisis: (4) pp. 275-282.


Serge Klopp. (2018). Vers la destruction du métier de soignant en psychiatrie ?. 137: VST - Vie sociale et traitements: (1) pp. 5-8.


Mathilde Manouvrier. (2018). Le temps de la rencontre : un espace en psychomotricité ?. 137: VST - Vie sociale et traitements: (1) pp. 89-93.


Taneile A Kitchingman and Coralie J Wilson and Alan Woodward and Peter Caputi and Ian Wilson. (2018). Telephone crisis support workers' intentions to use recommended skills while experiencing functional impairment. 39: Crisis: (3) pp. 218-223.


J Lusk and S K Dobscha and M Kopacz and M F Ritchie and S Ono. (2018). Spirituality, religion, and suicidality among veterans: A qualitative study. 22: Archives of Suicide Research: (2) pp. 311-326.


Taneile A Kitchingman and Coralie J Wilson and Peter Caputi and Ian Wilson and Alan Woodward. (2018). Telephone crisis support workers' psychological distress and impairment: A systematic review. 39: Crisis: (1) pp. 13-26.


Ido Lurie and Adi Gur and Ziona Haklai and Nehama Goldberger. (2018). Suicide risk among Holocaust survivors following psychiatric hospitalizations: A historic cohort study. 22: Archives of Suicide Research: (3) pp. 495-509.


Jessica D King and Sarah E Horton and Jennifer L Hughes and Michael Eaddy and Betsy D Kennard and Graham J Emslie and Sunita M Stewart. (2018). The interpersonal–psychological theory of suicide in adolescents: A preliminary report of changes following treatment. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (3) pp. 294-304.


Heather A Love and David P Nalbone and Lorna L Hecker and Kathryn A Sweeney and Prerana Dharnidharka. (2018). Suicidal risk following the termination of romantic relationships. 39: Crisis: (3) pp. 166-174.


Nathan A Kimbrel and Shaun P Thomas and Terrell A Hicks and Michael A Hertzberg and Carolina P Clancy and Eric B Elbogen and Eric C Meyer and Bryann B DeBeer and Georgina M Gross and Paul J Silvia and Sandra B Morissette and Kim L Gratz and Patrick S Calhoun and Jean C Beckham. (2018). Wall/object punching: An important but under‐recognized form of nonsuicidal self‐injury. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (5) pp. 501-511.


B M Lindgren and C G Svedin and S Werko. (2018). A systematic literature review of experiences of professional care and support among people who self-harm. 22: Archives of Suicide Research: (2) pp. 173-192.


Nathan A Kimbrel and Eric C Meyer and Bryann B DeBeer and Suzy B Gulliver and Sandra B Morissette. (2018). The impact of cannabis use disorder on suicidal and nonsuicidal self-injury in Iraq/Afghanistan-era veterans with and without mental health disorders. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (2) pp. 140-148.


Min-Pei Lin and Jianing You and Yung Wei Wu and Yongqiang Jiang. (2018). Depression mediates the relationship between distress tolerance and nonsuicidal self-injury among adolescents: One-year follow-up. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (5) pp. 589-600.


Yi Jin Kim and Sung Seek Moon and Jang Hyun Lee and Joon Kyung Kim. (2018). Risk factors and mediators of suicidal ideation among Korean adolescents. 39: Crisis: (1) pp. 4-12.


DeQuincy A Lezine. (2018). UṠ. political parties and support for suicide prevention. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (2) pp. 199-203.


Y J Kim and V Burlaka. (2018). Gender differences in suicidal behaviors: Mediation role of psychological distress between alcohol abuse/dependence and suicidal behaviors. 22: Archives of Suicide Research: (3) pp. 405-419.


Yossi Levi-Belz and Orit Krispin and Giora Galilee and Ehud Bodner and Alan Apter. (2018). Where are they now? Longitudinal follow-up and prognosis of adolescent suicide attempters. 39: Crisis: (2) pp. 119-126.


Brooks R Keeshin and Doug Gray and Chong Zhang and Angela P Presson and Hilary Coon. (2018). Youth suicide deaths: Investigation of clinical predictors in a statewide sample. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (5) pp. 601-612.


Y Levi-Belz and Y Gvion and S Grisaru and A Apter. (2018). When the pain becomes unbearable: case-control study of mental pain characteristics among medically serious suicide attempters. 22: Archives of Suicide Research: (3) pp. 380-393.


Irène Katsaros and Lucie Durr. (2018). Entre contrainte et soin médiatisé, le tissage du lien en umd. 137: VST - Vie sociale et traitements: (1) pp. 82-88.


Kuan-Ying Lee and Chung-Yi Li and Kun-Chia Chang and Tsung-Hsueh Lu and Ying-Yeh Chen. (2018). Age at exposure to parental suicide and the subsequent risk of suicide in young people. 39: Crisis: (1) pp. 27-36.


Suzanne B Johnson and Bradley L Goodnight and Huaiyu Zhang and Irene Daboin and Bobbi Patterson and Nadine J Kaslow. (2018). Compassion-based meditation in African Americans: Self-criticism mediates changes in depression. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (2) pp. 160-168.


Lyse Latraverse. (2018). Silence, parole et passage à l’acte. 137: VST - Vie sociale et traitements: (1) pp. 35-39.


Karen James and Duncan Stewart. (2018). Blurred boundaries – a qualitative study of how acts of self-harm and attempted suicide are defined by mental health practitioners. 39: Crisis: (4) pp. 247-254.


Adam Lankford and Sara Tomek. (2018). Mass killings in the United States from 2006 to 2013: Social contagion or random clusters?. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (4) pp. 459-467.


A Interian and M Chesin and A Kline and R Miller and L St Hill and M Latorre and A Shcherbakov and A King and B Stanley. (2018). Use of the Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS) to classify suicidal behaviors. 22: Archives of Suicide Research: (2) pp. 278-294.


Grégory Lambrette. (2018). La stratégie antidrogue de l’Union européenne face au cannabis. Une rhétorique prohibitionniste face à plusieurs scénarios. 137: VST - Vie sociale et traitements: (1) pp. 67-73.


Carl Hogstedt and Yvonne Forsell and Tomas Hemmingsson and Ingvar Lundberg and Andreas Lundin. (2018). Psychological symptoms in late adolescence and long-term risk of suicide and suicide attempt. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (3) pp. 315-327.


Chi Leung Kwok and Paul S F Yip. (2018). Estimating incidence rate of hospital-treated self-harm in Hong Kong using capture–recapture approach. 39: Crisis: (3) pp. 205-217.


Adam S Hoffberg and Elizabeth Spitzer and Jessica L Mackelprang and Samantha A Farro and Lisa A Brenner. (2018). Suicidal self-directed violence among homeless US veterans: A systematic review. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (4) pp. 481-498.


E S Hishinuma and M D Smith and K McCarthy and M Lee and D A Goebert and J J Sugimoto-Matsuda and N N Andrade and J B Philip and J J Chung-Do and R S Hamamoto and J K L Andrade. (2018). Longitudinal prediction of suicide attempts for a diverse adolescent sample of Native Hawaiians, Pacific Peoples, and Asian Americans. 22: Archives of Suicide Research: (1) pp. 67-90.


Ryan M Hill and Cristina T del Busto and Victor Buitron and Jeremy W Pettit. (2018). Depressive symptoms and perceived burdensomeness mediate the association between anxiety and suicidal ideation in adolescents. 22: Archives of Suicide Research: (4) pp. 555-568.


J Herres and T Kodish and J Fein and G Diamond. (2018). Screening to identify groups of pediatric emergency department patients using latent class analysis of reported suicidal ideation and behavior and non-suicidal self-injury. 22: Archives of Suicide Research: (1) pp. 20-31.


Amy S Hedman-Robertson. (2018). Undergraduate students' exposure, knowledge, utilization, and intended use of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. 39: Crisis: (2) pp. 110-118.


C Hausmann-Stabile and L Gulbas and L H Zayas. (2018). Treatment narratives of suicidal Latina teens. 22: Archives of Suicide Research: (1) pp. 165-172.


Hossein Hassanian-Moghaddam and Fatemeh Ghorbani and Afsaneh Rahimi and Tayyebeh Farmahini Farahani and Parvane Sadat Vafaei Sani and Terry J Lewin and Gregory L Carter. (2018). Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) 2014 World Cup impact on hospital-treated suicide attempt (overdose) in Tehran. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (3) pp. 367-375.


Chelsey M Hartley and Jeremy W Pettit and Daniel Castellanos. (2018). Reactive aggression and suicide-related behaviors in children and adolescents: A review and preliminary meta-analysis. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (1) pp. 38-51.


Jin Han and Philip J Batterham and Alison L Calear and Rebecca Randall. (2018). Factors influencing professional help-seeking for suicidality. 39: Crisis: (3) pp. 175-196.


J L Hames and M L Rogers and C Silva and J D Ribeiro and N E Teale and T E Joiner. (2018). A social exclusion manipulation interacts with acquired capability for suicide to predict self-aggressive behaviors. 22: Archives of Suicide Research: (1) pp. 32-45.


Nina Hallensleben and Lena Spangenberg and Thomas Forkmann and Dajana Rath and Ulrich Hegerl and Anette Kersting and Thomas W Kallert and Heide Glaesmer. (2018). Investigating the dynamics of suicidal ideation: Preliminary findings from a study using ecological momentary assessments in psychiatric inpatients. 39: Crisis: (1) pp. 65-69.


Madelyn S Gould and Alison M Lake and Hanga Galfalvy and Marjorie Kleinman and Jimmie Lou Munfakh and James Wright and Richard McKeon. (2018). Follow-up with callers to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: Evaluation of callers’ perceptions of care. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (1) pp. 75-86.


C Gould and T McGeorge and K Slade. (2018). Suicide screening tools for use in incarcerated offenders: A systematic review. 22: Archives of Suicide Research: (3) pp. 345-364.


Benjamin Goodfellow and Kairi Kõlves and Diego de Leo. (2018). Contemporary nomenclatures of suicidal behaviors: A systematic literature review. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (3) pp. 353-366.


Lucas Godoy Garraza and Simone Peart Boyce and Christine Walrath and David B Goldston and Richard McKeon. (2018). An economic evaluation of the Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Suicide Prevention Program. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (1) pp. 3-11.


Amanda K Gilmore and Kate Walsh and Christal L Badour and Kenneth J Ruggiero and Dean G Kilpatrick and Heidi S Resnick. (2018). Suicidal ideation, posttraumatic stress, and substance abuse based on forcible and drug- or alcohol-facilitated/incapacitated rape histories in a national sample of women. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (2) pp. 183-192.


Supria K Gill and Ricardo F Muñoz and Yan Leykin. (2018). The influence of perceived stress and depression on suicide-related beliefs in Caucasian and Indian adults. 39: Crisis: (2) pp. 127-136.


Marianne B Fugère. (2018). Je m’excuse papi !. 137: VST - Vie sociale et traitements: (1) pp. 22-25.


G Fraser and M S Wilson and J A Garisch and K Robinson and M Brocklesby and T Kingi and A O'Connell and L Russell. (2018). Non-suicidal self-injury, sexuality concerns, and emotion regulation among sexually diverse adolescents: A multiple mediation analysis. 22: Archives of Suicide Research: (3) pp. 432-452.


Marnina Swartz-Vanetik and Mark Zeevin and Yoram Barak. (2018). Scope and characteristics of suicide attempts among manic patients with bipolar disorder. 39: Crisis: (6) pp. 489-492.


Johannes Foss Sigurdson and Anne Mari Undheim and Jan Lance Wallander and Stian Lydersen and Anne Mari Sund. (2018). The longitudinal association of being bullied and gender with suicide ideations, self-harm, and suicide attempts from adolescence to young adulthood: A cohort study. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (2) pp. 169-182.


Barbara L Pitts and Julia M Whealin and Jackson Kato. (2018). Risk factors for suicidal behavior depend on age for veterans in the Pacific Islands. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (6) pp. 642-651.


Valerie L Forman-Hoffman and Cristie Glasheen and Ty A Ridenour. (2018). Residential transience and substance use disorder are independently associated with suicidal thoughts, plans, and attempts in a nationally representative sample of UṠ. adults. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (4) pp. 401-412.


Prianka Padmanathan and Lucy Biddle and Robert Carroll and Jane Derges and John Potokar and David Gunnell. (2018). Suicide and self-harm related Internet use: A cross-sectional study and clinician focus groups. 39: Crisis: (6) pp. 469-478.


Monika S Ferguson and Julie A Reis and Lyn Rabbetts and Heather-Jean Ashby and Miriam Bayes and Tara McCracken and Christine Ross and Nicholas G Procter. (2018). The effectiveness of suicide prevention education programs for nurses: A systematic review. 39: Crisis: (2) pp. 96-109.


Yin-Ju Lien and Hsin-An Chang and Yu-Chen Kao and Nian-Sheng Tzeng and Chin-Bin Yeh and Ching-Hui Loh. (2018). Self‐stigma mediates the impact of insight on current suicide ideation in suicide attempters with schizophrenia: Results of a moderated mediation approach. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (6) pp. 661-676.


Rahel Eynan and Ravi Shah and Marnin J Heisel and David Eden and Reuven Jhirad and Paul S Links. (2018). The feasibility and clinical utility of conducting a confidential inquiry into suicide in Southwestern Ontario. 39: Crisis: (4) pp. 283-293.


Sidra Goldman‐Mellor and Kristina Allen and Mark S Kaplan. (2018). Rural/urban disparities in adolescent nonfatal suicidal ideation and suicide attempt: A population‐based study. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (6) pp. 709-719.


Annette Erlangsen and Ping Qin and Ellenor Mittendorfer-Rutz. (2018). Studies of suicidal behavior using national registers: An adventure without boundaries?. 39: Crisis: (3) pp. 153-158.


Emma Elliott-Groves. (2018). Insights from Cowichan: A hybrid approach to understanding suicide in one First Nations’ collective. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (3) pp. 328-339.


Christine Dunkley and Alan Borthwick and Ruth Bartlett and Laura Dunkley and Stephen Palmer and Stefan Gleeson and David Kingdon. (2018). Hearing the suicidal patient's emotional pain: A typological model to improve communication. 39: Crisis: (4) pp. 267-274.


A R Dueweke and R A Schwartz-Mette. (2018). Social-cognitive and social-behavioral correlates of suicide risk in college students: Contributions from interpersonal theories of suicide and depression. 22: Archives of Suicide Research: (2) pp. 224-240.


Yovanska Duarté-Vélez and Richard N Jones and Anthony Spirito. (2018). Understanding suicidal ideation in Latino/a adolescents living in Puerto Rico. 22: Archives of Suicide Research: (4) pp. 569-583.


Brian Draper and Karolina Krysinska and John Snowdon and Diego De Leo. (2018). Awareness of suicide risk and communication between health care professionals and next-of-kin of suicides in the month before suicide. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (4) pp. 449-458.


J Downie and J A Chandler. (2018). Interpreting Canada’s Medical Assistance in Dying Legislation. pp. 37 p..


Dorian R Dodd and April R Smith and Lauren N Forrest and Tracy K Witte and Lindsay Bodell and Mary Bartlett and Nicole Siegfried and Natalie Goodwin. (2018). Interoceptive deficits, nonsuicidal self-injury, and suicide attempts among women with eating disorders. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (4) pp. 438-448.


Béatrice Deries and David Grand. (2018). De l’œuvre à faire dans les parcours d’ados difficiles et autres incasables. 137: VST - Vie sociale et traitements: (1) pp. 74-81.


Christopher R DeCou and Matthew E Schumann. (2018). On the iatrogenic risk of assessing suicidality: A meta-analysis. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (5) pp. 531-543.


Kelly C Cukrowicz and Sarah L Brown and Sean M Mitchell and Jared F Roush and Jameson K Hirsch. (2018). Feasibility of assessing suicide ideation and history of suicidal behavior in rural communities. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (2) pp. 522-530.


P W Corrigan and L Sheehan and M A Al-Khouja and S Lewy and D R Major and J Mead and M Redmon and C T Rubey and S Weber. (2018). Insight into the stigma of suicide loss survivors: Factor analyses of family stereotypes, prejudices, and discriminations. 22: Archives of Suicide Research: (1) pp. 57-66.


Antonin Commune. (2018). Le suicide au travail : quand mourir devient un besoin vital. 137: VST - Vie sociale et traitements: (1) pp. 50-56.


Lisa Janet Cohen and Firouz Ardalan and Zimri Yaseen and Igor Galynker. (2018). Suicide crisis syndrome mediates the relationship between long-term risk factors and lifetime suicidal phenomena. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (5) pp. 613-623.


Joyce Chu and Brandon Hoeflein and Peter Goldblum and Dorothy Espelage and Jordan Davis and Bruce Bongar. (2018). A shortened screener version of the Cultural Assessment of Risk for Suicide. 22: Archives of Suicide Research: (4) pp. 679-687.


François Chobeaux and Anne-Marie Leyreloup. (2018). Bientôt la fin de l’hiver : réouverture de la chasse aux squats et aux « campements » !. 137: VST - Vie sociale et traitements: (1) pp. 3-4.


François Chobeaux. (2018). Introduction. 137: VST - Vie sociale et traitements: (1) pp. 14-16.


Ana-Maria Chavez-Hernandez and Fredi-Everardo Correa-Romero and Irma-Beatriz Acosta-Rojas and Karen-Viviana Cardoso-Espindola and Gustavo M Padilla-Gallegos and Isabel Valadez-Figueroa. (2018). Suicidal ideation, depressive symptomatology, and self-concept: A comparison between Mexican institutionalized and noninstitutionalized children. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (2) pp. 193-198.


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Christine B Cha and Katherine M Tezanos and Olivia M Peros and Mei Yi Ng and Jessica D Ribeiro and Matthew K Nock and Joseph C Franklin. (2018). Accounting for diversity in suicide research: Sampling and sample reporting practices in the United States. 48: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: (2) pp. 131-139.


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